Put this to an observable test...
Dark room - turn on light switch, voila! - no darkness!
Lighted room - turn on a dark switch (not too silly is it?) - nix! - There is still light!
We are constantly being faced with darkness and blindness in the darkness. With the Light of Jesus, which is in us, wherever we carry His Love/Light, darkness must flee. This is because darkness/fear/the enemy (which needs no attention at all) is afraid of His Love/Light.
Emptied vessels can be filled because they are empty. I often say, 'I have to get down to the bottom of myself', emptied until God fills me and shows me His Way through every doubting, fearful situation. Completely emptied of fear (reaction and response reveal the fear) versus His Love/Light.
His Infinite Love Wins Infinitely.
I went back to my friends notes to pull these. Thank you Lizabeth, for you, and for us, as we constantly hold each other so we can remember.
'Love Broke Out' by Lizabeth Doolittle
Friday, February 20, 2009 at 12:25am
Verb: break out breyk awt1. Start abruptly"
After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc"- erupt
2. Begin suddenly and sometimes violently"He broke out shouting""Love Broke Out", "Prayer Broke Out", "Kindness Broke Out"These are the headlines I would love to see in the newspapers, instead of the senseless tragedies we do see.
A family in our community lost a son in such a senseless event. Headlines were written about this unfathomable loss of life and all of those who loved this family and those who just love life wanted those headlines and reporting to be a made up horror story, lies, fabrications, a fictional tragedy. But the loss was real.
A friend, Vicky, wrote to me on facebook that a 15 year old girl was life-flighted from her neighborhood, after suffering a stroke. Vicky said all the neighbors came out of their homes and "prayer broke out".
I love this definition of "break out"--- 2. Begin suddenly and sometimes violentlyAdjective: violent vI-(u-)lunt
1. Acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensityLet love break out. Let prayer break out. Let kindness break out. Let us be violent, forceful, energetic, passionate, purposeful, proactive about our prayers, displays of love, and tangible acts of kindness!
Jesus encouraged us (yes, even us pacifists) that the violent take the Kingdom of heaven by force. THIS is the violence we need to see. Real women and real men passionately, purposely loving. Let love and prayer and kindness break out (suddenly and sometimes violently) now.
Remember the song, "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me"? Let violent, passionate, purposeful, proactive, energetic, love break out and let it begin with me. And you. And you. And you....
And Greg and Rebecca I am thinking of you...you know why... if you could ever add it to your songs, please.. :-)
'Love Broke Thru' by Ketih Green
Like a foolish dreamer that was trying to build
A highway to the sky
All my world come tumblin down
And I never knew just why
Until today when You pulled away the clouds
That hung like curtains on my eyes.
I was blind all these wasted years when
I thought I was so wise.
But then You took me by surprise.
Like waking up from the longest dream
How real it seemed
Until Your love broke through
And I was lost in a fantasy
That blinded me
Until your love broke through.
All my life I have been searching
For that crazy missing part
With one touch Lord You just rolled away
The stone that held my heart,
Now I see that the answer was as easy
As my need to let love in
And I am so sure I could never doubt
Your gentle touch again
It's like the power of the wind.
Like waking up from the longest dream
How real it seemed
Until Your love broke through
And I was lost in a fantasy
That blinded me
Until your love broke through.
Remember this? Smile Jesus Loves You!
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