It's prayer from our hearts that is so powerful. It's our heart conversation with God, and each other. The mouth moves but the heart is speaking. We have an answer when we pray, ask, believe, we receive, Matthew 11:24.
The test of our faith brings endurance. If you've ever run a marathon you know that there is much training for the body to reach that goal and once that day comes the real test comes. And at mile 20 there is a decision to make, to give up or push through to finish. Translated into prayer that is pray through, we don't need to run, but instead we stand - in the gap, asking Jesus on behalf of another in need of physical healing, emotional healing, relational healing so he may heal them 'inside and out'. We sometimes forget the 'inside' part. This is the most important.
We all have 'outward' tests and difficulties either with our own lives, family or friends. An invitation to be set free from the things which bind, restrict, inhibit and block Love from the Holy Spirit may first come with an altar call but does not end there. How do I know this? My confession is, after much crushing and breaking and surrendering of my heart, not my mind I can see clearly a path opening to other's hearts but only from my vulnerable heart. So my desire is to Love until other's hearts are set free. This only happened because of dear brothers and sisters in the Lord who with unconditional Love stood by, waited with tremendous patience, encouraged, and lived by example this testimony of Love. The growth never ceases, the experiences never cease and the Love never stops growing. We begin to see that no circumstances, no downfall, no economic loss, no disaster can take us away from His Love. It starts with desire to know Him more and more and more....
It takes Love to penetrate through and 'past' the exterior and superficial to see and connect with others deeply. It is a state of being broken that brings total vulnerability and new birth, leaving us totally free and starving to do it again again. We become more desiring of knowing the inner person more and more because this is where His genuine Love lives, in every beautiful heart. It is one thing to look into the eyes of a person and hold attention, it is truly another experience to look into the eyes of a person and look straight into their soul allowing their experience to become yours, the same pain they feel, the same hurt, the same searching, the same desire. There is no ignoring anyone anymore, everyone is created in the unfathomable image of God. It is here we search for God, together we pray, ask, believe and receive, we forgive and ask to be forgiven, where two are more are, He is there also and whatever we ask from our hearts, He will do it.
Yesterday I forwarded this entire email from Jim Spivey, it is so powerful on Love (if you didn't get it and want to read it let me know). This gives us a glimpse of how to Love with His Love and see with His eyes and hear with His ears, with a heart like His. When we see it isn't the 'outside' then we can love the 'inside', the total created human 'becoming'.
"Help me, Lord, to see
past coldness
past bitterness
past meanness
and into the hearts of those
who need to be loved the most (which really is everyone),
and to lay myself down there,
as you laid yourself down for me!"
-- Alice Joyce Davidson
Here I am Lord...every piece of me....inside and out...
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