1. having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech.
2. excellent of its kind: a beautiful putt on the seventh hole; The chef served us a beautiful roast of beef.
3. wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.
Yes, that's just it. Just like the word Love, the word Beauty has been misused, perverted and prostituted. The outward illusion of beauty has been fed over the past century (but really has always existed) with the fakeness in media, magazines filled with carefully arranged and planned-out pages of 'stuff', subliminal messages and sales pitches. The angle, the lighting, use of color, hidden messages, the airbrushing, the well planned 'look', the seduction to lure even an 80 year to think they are 20 again, all for gaining power and wealth, that is, within the industry doing the luring. There isn't anything ˈbyu tə fəl about it. If you only knew what went on behind the curtains or on the planning boards, it is anything but beautiful, it's ugly. While previously in this profession of advertising and graphics design, I sometimes caught a glimpse of this ugly lie but it paid the bills and was a way to acquire more, by helping businesses produce more sales. It was an admired profession which fed everyone's egos and that couldn't possibly be bad, especially if everyone looked good, right? The addiction to the illusion is no different than any other addiction. For businesses, it is gain, power, gain, power, gain and for consumers it is feel good, want more, feel good, want more, all inevitably leading to loss and collapse in order to reconsider and reorganize to find what was missing all along - Love of God, self and neighbor.
Regardless of age (and for some more so with increasing age), both men and women feel they need to do more for 'appearance'. It's all wrapped up in the clothes, the shoes, the hair, the makeup, the walk, the look, the talk, the presentation, the delivery. The external appeal is only a bandaged facade over the entrapped Real Beauty of the inner woman and man. We dance this dance around each other and our inner being is crying, hurting, in pain and shame and desiring to be loved just for who we are, not because of what we do or how we look. We desire to be completely set free from the illusion of perfection on the outside because this is futile.
My desire is to be the inner being God created me, where inner beauty shows beyond my created outer illusion of beauty. I feel more alive and free than I ever had in my life. All the unnecessary parading with carefully planned attire, hair and presentation no longer 'consume' my life. What I wear is not me, how I look outwardly is not me, but how I love and my desire to be and live like Jesus is me. I now am a woman of inner appeal desiring to help men and women find their Real Beauty. Real Beauty without measure which can only be found after pushing away the superficial layers.
If you could only know how Beautiful you really are. We finally are able to accept it when we can let go of all the outward need for the illusion of perfection and all these taped messages of lies have been erased and rerecorded with God's unconditional message of Truth and Love.
In any language we understand. This is for you and me. God is singing to us.
Thank you God for loving us.
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