
February 23, 2009 Intentional, Purposeful Warrior

Before I begin, what comes to me is to say please embrace or at least put your hand on someone's shoulder today and tell them how much you love and care for them. And yes Shirley, it is time to be an intentional, purposeful man and woman. So here it is... I was thinking this morning of a warrior, how intentional he or she is. There is no retreating, they know their purpose and the fight is to the death (life). We live with one common heart (loving community) with a purpose.

The battle field looks like this. Fully equipped with the armor of Love, we put it on, live in it and sleep in it 24/7. We recognize who we are in Jesus and in His grace and we walk across the battlefields of our neighborhood streets, our apartment and town home courtyards, across market aisles and checkout lanes, business office aisles, our church pews, and oh my, my, my, our dens, our kitchens and our bedrooms. We go with our amour on, Swords (the message of His great Love)...there is no retreating, this is what we've been training for all our lives.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

A dear sister, Lizabeth Doolittle, wrote this on Facebook to express her love for a family within our community after their son Aaron was tragically killed last week, to say Love is the answer, 'let love break out'. This is what the infinite community of God sounds like and acts like. It is intentional, with unconditional love being poured out. The battle field is infinite in time and space and a warrior is not equipped with carnal weapons of destruction but spiritual weapons of Love. I know Aaron experienced this great love within this community and is now experiencing and living with and basking in the main source of this Love, Jesus.

Love Broke Out
By Lizabeth Doolittle
Verb: break out breyk awt1.

Start abruptly"After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc"- erupt2. Begin suddenly and sometimes violently"He broke out shouting"

"Love Broke Out", "Prayer Broke Out", "Kindness Broke Out"

These are the headlines I would love to see in the newspapers, instead of the senseless tragedies we do see. A family in our community lost a son in such a senseless event. Headlines were written about this unfathomable loss of life and all of those who loved this family and those who just love life wanted those headlines and reporting to be a made up horror story, lies, fabrications, a fictional tragedy. But the loss was real.

A friend, Vicky, wrote to me on facebook that a 15 year old girl was life-flighted from her neighborhood, after suffering a stroke. Vicky said all the neighbors came out of their homes and "prayer broke out".

I love this definition of "break out"--- 2. Begin suddenly and sometimes violently

Adjective: violent vI-(u-)lunt
1. Acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity

Let love break out. Let prayer break out. Let kindness break out. Let us be violent, forceful, energetic, passionate, purposeful, proactive about our prayers, displays of love, and tangible acts of kindness! Jesus encouraged us (yes, even us pacifists) that the violent take the Kingdom of heaven by force. THIS is the violence we need to see. Real women and real men passionately, purposely loving. Let love and prayer and kindness break out (suddenly and sometimes violently) now. Remember the song, "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me"? Let violent, passionate, purposeful, proactive, energetic, love break out and let it begin with me. And you. And you. And you....


This is being intentional.

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