
February 12, 2009 Love and Not Fear

Love and Not Fear

Yes, D.K my dear sister, I am 'in LOVE' and loving every minute of IT. But the truth is, I had to go through Hell (and it was always my choice) to get to this place where God has me right now. Then to a place of total surrender to God and His will and purpose for my life, then willingly allow Him to take me through His burning fire and be purged of everything that is man driven and man expected (and this is not gender related).

I'll be 55 this year (wow!) and 54 of these years I didn't get it completely, and still don't, but I am experiencing as opposed to understanding. In one year going through the purging fire, has allowed the beam to come out of my eye, my heart to be exposed and me to become more loving and compassionate. And also to come to a place that there is absolutely nothing in this loving that is about me. It is all about loving God first, then everyone else, starting with my family. And coming to a place in doing this, I am loving myself more now than ever.

I wanted to continue to write about LOVE this week for Valentine's, but really this should be every day of my life and living out LOVE whether anyone ever sees it or recognizes it. But really, genuine unconditional LOVE cannot be ignored or missed.

There is no doubt that this 'real' unconditional LOVE is the answer to everything. It is the answer for our needs being met, our relationships being healed, diplomacy, the stability of the economy and changing the hearts of our enemies. It may seem oversimplifying it with just one concept. But LOVE is not a concept. It is God Himself living through us.

Take this in deeply and never forget, because our lives depend on it....In the presence of LOVE, there is no FEAR. In LOVE we can lay down all fear. And with the upcoming economy collapse there is going to be a lot of FEAR. But regardless of family disasters, health issues, violence, dictatorship, the enemy 'perceived' in person but is spirit, famine, drought, or disasters, falling economy, job loss, property and financial loss, when operating in LOVE there is no FEAR during or of any of these things. Because when we see 10,000 fall at our side and our right hand, it will NOT come near us (Psalm 91), this is when His unconditional LOVE takes over, fear cannot come near us.

Soak in His LOVE, LIVE saturated in His LOVE. His perfect LOVE shines, His LIGHT is MAGNIFICENT!!

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