What a gift! A quilt, that is like me, flawed and beautiful...
February 28, 2009 Flawed and Beautiful
Several years ago, one precious boy I taught at church, his mom gave me an awesome quilt as a 'thank you' gift. What a labor of love! And it's one I snuggle under every day when resting on the sofa. I can't help think of her and her family when I look at it. When she (and her name was Teresa also, even spelled it the same) gave it to me she said 'every one of my quilts has a flaw in it to remind me that we are not perfect and flawed and beautiful in God's eyes'. When looking for the flaw in the quilt I could not find it until she pointed it out. What a beautiful example of how God sees us! When He looks at us He doesn't see mistakes or flaws, He sees only beauty in His awesome created children. I could say so much more in regard to this but it would only clutter up what is so important. Thank You, God that You don't look at my mistakes or our flaws, You know they are part of this life, part of how You created us and the beauty of how You see us.
What a gift! A quilt, that is like me, flawed and beautiful...

What a gift! A quilt, that is like me, flawed and beautiful...
February 27, 2009 Follow
What I am about to say is quite ironic considering I send this out every morning.
Whatever you do, don't listen to me because I will always at some point in time say something unintentionally that is out of line, inconsiderate, uncompassionate, thoughtless, hurtful and ego driven.
Don't follow me because me, myself and I cannot show you how to walk your own journey. Even as much as I desire to be a model for Christ, I will fail. I will fall off the road when my ego is driven to the things that entice me in the world.
But do follow me where I am going. Down a long, treacherous road, with beautiful creation growing along the sides and under my feet. But remember if you should decide to follow me, I am learning the steps are single and only one at a time. When I lift my right foot, I don't know where my left foot will step. Which is absolutely amazing considering I was so sure in the past that I had it all mapped out and along the horizon line I saw the golden pot at the end of the rainbow. That golden pot may be there but my vision has been shortened to look down at my feet. I am learning not to worry about the next day or even the next hour. And it's the most amazing blessing, glorious discovery of my entire life. And I need to keep walking this way.
So when I say don't follow me, and don't listen to me, I mean it, because I'm walking with Jesus.
Whatever you do, don't listen to me because I will always at some point in time say something unintentionally that is out of line, inconsiderate, uncompassionate, thoughtless, hurtful and ego driven.
Don't follow me because me, myself and I cannot show you how to walk your own journey. Even as much as I desire to be a model for Christ, I will fail. I will fall off the road when my ego is driven to the things that entice me in the world.
But do follow me where I am going. Down a long, treacherous road, with beautiful creation growing along the sides and under my feet. But remember if you should decide to follow me, I am learning the steps are single and only one at a time. When I lift my right foot, I don't know where my left foot will step. Which is absolutely amazing considering I was so sure in the past that I had it all mapped out and along the horizon line I saw the golden pot at the end of the rainbow. That golden pot may be there but my vision has been shortened to look down at my feet. I am learning not to worry about the next day or even the next hour. And it's the most amazing blessing, glorious discovery of my entire life. And I need to keep walking this way.
So when I say don't follow me, and don't listen to me, I mean it, because I'm walking with Jesus.
February 26, 2009 Wounded Healer
"Sheri's new picture intrigued me. Once again she drew a perfectly symmetrical vase with swirly handles on the sides. Once again, the same two large hands firmly gripped it. The deep crack down the middle of the vase was still there too.
But Sheri had added something new. Using a fluorescent yellow marker, she had drawn heavy lines, like beams of light, spilling out of the fissure and flowing to the edge of the paper. Pointing to the crack, she said, 'That's where God shines through.'
Once again I was reminded that it is through our suffering, our trials, and our wounds that God's glory is often revealed. The caption under Sheri's picture could have read, 2 Corinthians 4:
For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed. (vv 6-9)"
"And as for Sheri, the broken pieces of our life--the fractures, fissures, and jagged edges--can become the very locales where God's glory spills through in a torrent of light, hope and healing. Out of our own personal darkness, God's penetrating light can touch those who still grope in the shadows.
Just ask one of the regulars on the rape crisis hotline." --The Wounded Woman, Dr. Steve Stephens and Pam Vredevelt
Sheri is a young rape victim whose story is told in this book. What an amazing depiction of how His light shines bright in our woundedness and pain and times of crisis, showing the way for those desperate in darknesss and hiding in the shadows.
And saying the same thing, this was sent out in Jim's blog yesterday...
"For the true minister of his time is called to recognize, clarify, and recontextualize the sufferings of his time, however unconscious and vague among the many, to bring those sufferings into fine focus in his own heart, and to make that distilled refinement of understanding the starting point of his message and service work. Whether he tries to enter into a dislocated world, relate to a convulsive generation, connect with a couple in bitter crisis, or speak to a dying man, his service will not be perceived as authentic unless it comes from a heart wounded deeply by the exact and very personal (however ubiquitous) suffering about which he speaks, and it's not about his clearing or mastering or solving of it, but his complete and utter surrender to it as an indelible mark of his humanity and the only way of liberation and freedom." -- Henri Nouwen, in The Wounded Healer
Today is the memorial for one amazing young man, Aaron Hobart, a beautiful, wounded healer, who's life was extinguished so young, who in an unimaginable tragedy, left his indelible mark and pointed to the Way out of the darkness and shadows to Jesus' inextinguishable Light. I was again moved to tears when I heard what Aaron's precious family shared this week at Love Machine. They asked 'please remember to pray for the police officer and his family also, every time you pray for us'. This is a profound example of Jesus' love and the magnitude and latitude of lives touched will be infinite.
Jesus' thank You as You hold Aaron, he is with You face to face, You are holding his family closely. Thank you that in Your infinite great Love for all of us, You will work this out for good and for Your glory.
I captured the last bit of this unbelievably beautiful sunset with my cell phone on Wednesday, February 18 as Ken, Susan and I were were driving to the hospital to be with the Hobarts. My only thought as it captured my attention, was it was Aaron's light and God painted the sky with it as he was leaving. I hope that someone else had captured more of the amazing gold and crimson color that filled the sky prior to this shot, because it literally diminished in a matter of a few minutes. I think it would be a blessing to Aaron's family.
But Sheri had added something new. Using a fluorescent yellow marker, she had drawn heavy lines, like beams of light, spilling out of the fissure and flowing to the edge of the paper. Pointing to the crack, she said, 'That's where God shines through.'
Once again I was reminded that it is through our suffering, our trials, and our wounds that God's glory is often revealed. The caption under Sheri's picture could have read, 2 Corinthians 4:
For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed. (vv 6-9)"
"And as for Sheri, the broken pieces of our life--the fractures, fissures, and jagged edges--can become the very locales where God's glory spills through in a torrent of light, hope and healing. Out of our own personal darkness, God's penetrating light can touch those who still grope in the shadows.
Just ask one of the regulars on the rape crisis hotline." --The Wounded Woman, Dr. Steve Stephens and Pam Vredevelt
Sheri is a young rape victim whose story is told in this book. What an amazing depiction of how His light shines bright in our woundedness and pain and times of crisis, showing the way for those desperate in darknesss and hiding in the shadows.
And saying the same thing, this was sent out in Jim's blog yesterday...
"For the true minister of his time is called to recognize, clarify, and recontextualize the sufferings of his time, however unconscious and vague among the many, to bring those sufferings into fine focus in his own heart, and to make that distilled refinement of understanding the starting point of his message and service work. Whether he tries to enter into a dislocated world, relate to a convulsive generation, connect with a couple in bitter crisis, or speak to a dying man, his service will not be perceived as authentic unless it comes from a heart wounded deeply by the exact and very personal (however ubiquitous) suffering about which he speaks, and it's not about his clearing or mastering or solving of it, but his complete and utter surrender to it as an indelible mark of his humanity and the only way of liberation and freedom." -- Henri Nouwen, in The Wounded Healer
Today is the memorial for one amazing young man, Aaron Hobart, a beautiful, wounded healer, who's life was extinguished so young, who in an unimaginable tragedy, left his indelible mark and pointed to the Way out of the darkness and shadows to Jesus' inextinguishable Light. I was again moved to tears when I heard what Aaron's precious family shared this week at Love Machine. They asked 'please remember to pray for the police officer and his family also, every time you pray for us'. This is a profound example of Jesus' love and the magnitude and latitude of lives touched will be infinite.
Jesus' thank You as You hold Aaron, he is with You face to face, You are holding his family closely. Thank you that in Your infinite great Love for all of us, You will work this out for good and for Your glory.
I captured the last bit of this unbelievably beautiful sunset with my cell phone on Wednesday, February 18 as Ken, Susan and I were were driving to the hospital to be with the Hobarts. My only thought as it captured my attention, was it was Aaron's light and God painted the sky with it as he was leaving. I hope that someone else had captured more of the amazing gold and crimson color that filled the sky prior to this shot, because it literally diminished in a matter of a few minutes. I think it would be a blessing to Aaron's family.

February 25, 2009 Thank You
Needing One Another
"Our wounds force us to face our need for one another. We all need someone to lean on--someone who will try to understand. We need people who will love us and whom we can love back. A world without relationships would be cold and lonely. The poet Samuel Coleridge once wrote that 'friendship is a sheltering tree.' On a hot summer's day it shades us, and on a blustery winter's day it protects us from the storm. We all are strengthened by those who stand around us. Their smiles make us smile, and their encouragement keeps us from giving up. My best times are with people. If our lives were perfect, we might become so self-sufficient and independent that we wouldn't need others. Yet we aren't perfect. Chuck Swindoll reminds us that 'tucked away in a quiet corner of every life are wounds and scars. If they were not there, we would need no Physician. Nor would we need one another.' __The Wounded Woman, Dr. Steve Stephens and Pam Vredevelt
Thank you to those everywhere who are loving and receive love in return.
Thank you to those everywhere who are sheltering trees, cool in the summer and protection in the winter.
Thank you to those everywhere who are smiles and encouragement.
Thank you to those everywhere who cry and allow crying.
Thank you to those everywhere who understand how much we need each other.
"Our wounds force us to face our need for one another. We all need someone to lean on--someone who will try to understand. We need people who will love us and whom we can love back. A world without relationships would be cold and lonely. The poet Samuel Coleridge once wrote that 'friendship is a sheltering tree.' On a hot summer's day it shades us, and on a blustery winter's day it protects us from the storm. We all are strengthened by those who stand around us. Their smiles make us smile, and their encouragement keeps us from giving up. My best times are with people. If our lives were perfect, we might become so self-sufficient and independent that we wouldn't need others. Yet we aren't perfect. Chuck Swindoll reminds us that 'tucked away in a quiet corner of every life are wounds and scars. If they were not there, we would need no Physician. Nor would we need one another.' __The Wounded Woman, Dr. Steve Stephens and Pam Vredevelt
Thank you to those everywhere who are loving and receive love in return.
Thank you to those everywhere who are sheltering trees, cool in the summer and protection in the winter.
Thank you to those everywhere who are smiles and encouragement.
Thank you to those everywhere who cry and allow crying.
Thank you to those everywhere who understand how much we need each other.
February 24, 2009 Leaping Together
There's that part of life that just gets weary. It happens to all of us. How do any of us overcome these difficult times? Through loving support, with those who will allow you to feel it all, feel you with their own hearts and walk with you and love you through it all the way.
And as I'm typing this I get a phone call to remind me how crucial this loving support is for each other. We all experience crisis and weariness. We are here for each other, loving each other, holding each other, crying with each other, mirrors of each other.
I am reading a very 'on time' book my sister-in-law loaned me 'The Wounded Woman' by Dr. Steve Stephens and Pam Vredevelt with one crucial outline made for our times of crisis:
'When you've been wounded, find safe friends who...
Don't shock easily, but accept your feelings.
Don't give unwanted advice.
Help you recall your strengths.
Trust you to be able to come through this difficult time.
Trust you like an adult who can make your own decisions.
Respect your courage and sense of determination.
Understand that grief is normal.
Have been through difficult times and can share their experiences with you.
Try to understand what your feelings mean to you.
Pray with you and for you."
Then after walking together through it all, when ready, we hold each others hands, leap, and continue towards the Son...

Overcome: swept off one’s feet
Steve, Pam and Chris we are holding you through this crisis, and only when you say you are ready, we will leap with you.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" Galatians 6:9
And as I'm typing this I get a phone call to remind me how crucial this loving support is for each other. We all experience crisis and weariness. We are here for each other, loving each other, holding each other, crying with each other, mirrors of each other.
I am reading a very 'on time' book my sister-in-law loaned me 'The Wounded Woman' by Dr. Steve Stephens and Pam Vredevelt with one crucial outline made for our times of crisis:
'When you've been wounded, find safe friends who...
Don't shock easily, but accept your feelings.
Don't give unwanted advice.
Help you recall your strengths.
Trust you to be able to come through this difficult time.
Trust you like an adult who can make your own decisions.
Respect your courage and sense of determination.
Understand that grief is normal.
Have been through difficult times and can share their experiences with you.
Try to understand what your feelings mean to you.
Pray with you and for you."
Then after walking together through it all, when ready, we hold each others hands, leap, and continue towards the Son...
Overcome: swept off one’s feet
Steve, Pam and Chris we are holding you through this crisis, and only when you say you are ready, we will leap with you.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" Galatians 6:9
February 23, 2009 Intentional, Purposeful Warrior
Before I begin, what comes to me is to say please embrace or at least put your hand on someone's shoulder today and tell them how much you love and care for them. And yes Shirley, it is time to be an intentional, purposeful man and woman. So here it is... I was thinking this morning of a warrior, how intentional he or she is. There is no retreating, they know their purpose and the fight is to the death (life). We live with one common heart (loving community) with a purpose.
The battle field looks like this. Fully equipped with the armor of Love, we put it on, live in it and sleep in it 24/7. We recognize who we are in Jesus and in His grace and we walk across the battlefields of our neighborhood streets, our apartment and town home courtyards, across market aisles and checkout lanes, business office aisles, our church pews, and oh my, my, my, our dens, our kitchens and our bedrooms. We go with our amour on, Swords (the message of His great Love)...there is no retreating, this is what we've been training for all our lives.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
A dear sister, Lizabeth Doolittle, wrote this on Facebook to express her love for a family within our community after their son Aaron was tragically killed last week, to say Love is the answer, 'let love break out'. This is what the infinite community of God sounds like and acts like. It is intentional, with unconditional love being poured out. The battle field is infinite in time and space and a warrior is not equipped with carnal weapons of destruction but spiritual weapons of Love. I know Aaron experienced this great love within this community and is now experiencing and living with and basking in the main source of this Love, Jesus.
Love Broke Out
By Lizabeth Doolittle
Verb: break out breyk awt1.
Start abruptly"After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc"- erupt2. Begin suddenly and sometimes violently"He broke out shouting"
"Love Broke Out", "Prayer Broke Out", "Kindness Broke Out"
These are the headlines I would love to see in the newspapers, instead of the senseless tragedies we do see. A family in our community lost a son in such a senseless event. Headlines were written about this unfathomable loss of life and all of those who loved this family and those who just love life wanted those headlines and reporting to be a made up horror story, lies, fabrications, a fictional tragedy. But the loss was real.
A friend, Vicky, wrote to me on facebook that a 15 year old girl was life-flighted from her neighborhood, after suffering a stroke. Vicky said all the neighbors came out of their homes and "prayer broke out".
I love this definition of "break out"--- 2. Begin suddenly and sometimes violently
Adjective: violent vI-(u-)lunt
1. Acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity
Let love break out. Let prayer break out. Let kindness break out. Let us be violent, forceful, energetic, passionate, purposeful, proactive about our prayers, displays of love, and tangible acts of kindness! Jesus encouraged us (yes, even us pacifists) that the violent take the Kingdom of heaven by force. THIS is the violence we need to see. Real women and real men passionately, purposely loving. Let love and prayer and kindness break out (suddenly and sometimes violently) now. Remember the song, "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me"? Let violent, passionate, purposeful, proactive, energetic, love break out and let it begin with me. And you. And you. And you....
This is being intentional.
The battle field looks like this. Fully equipped with the armor of Love, we put it on, live in it and sleep in it 24/7. We recognize who we are in Jesus and in His grace and we walk across the battlefields of our neighborhood streets, our apartment and town home courtyards, across market aisles and checkout lanes, business office aisles, our church pews, and oh my, my, my, our dens, our kitchens and our bedrooms. We go with our amour on, Swords (the message of His great Love)...there is no retreating, this is what we've been training for all our lives.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
A dear sister, Lizabeth Doolittle, wrote this on Facebook to express her love for a family within our community after their son Aaron was tragically killed last week, to say Love is the answer, 'let love break out'. This is what the infinite community of God sounds like and acts like. It is intentional, with unconditional love being poured out. The battle field is infinite in time and space and a warrior is not equipped with carnal weapons of destruction but spiritual weapons of Love. I know Aaron experienced this great love within this community and is now experiencing and living with and basking in the main source of this Love, Jesus.
Love Broke Out
By Lizabeth Doolittle
Verb: break out breyk awt1.
Start abruptly"After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc"- erupt2. Begin suddenly and sometimes violently"He broke out shouting"
"Love Broke Out", "Prayer Broke Out", "Kindness Broke Out"
These are the headlines I would love to see in the newspapers, instead of the senseless tragedies we do see. A family in our community lost a son in such a senseless event. Headlines were written about this unfathomable loss of life and all of those who loved this family and those who just love life wanted those headlines and reporting to be a made up horror story, lies, fabrications, a fictional tragedy. But the loss was real.
A friend, Vicky, wrote to me on facebook that a 15 year old girl was life-flighted from her neighborhood, after suffering a stroke. Vicky said all the neighbors came out of their homes and "prayer broke out".
I love this definition of "break out"--- 2. Begin suddenly and sometimes violently
Adjective: violent vI-(u-)lunt
1. Acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity
Let love break out. Let prayer break out. Let kindness break out. Let us be violent, forceful, energetic, passionate, purposeful, proactive about our prayers, displays of love, and tangible acts of kindness! Jesus encouraged us (yes, even us pacifists) that the violent take the Kingdom of heaven by force. THIS is the violence we need to see. Real women and real men passionately, purposely loving. Let love and prayer and kindness break out (suddenly and sometimes violently) now. Remember the song, "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me"? Let violent, passionate, purposeful, proactive, energetic, love break out and let it begin with me. And you. And you. And you....
This is being intentional.
February 22, 2009 Tied Together
So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and high and deep is the Love of Christ. Ephesians 3:17-18
The extension I see reaching wide and high and deep with my precious family everywhere, is the power of Love. It really is that infinite tapestry.
I found this, it's a really great example of our being tied together.
It begins like this....

Interwoven Tapestry of Love
"It's hard to imagine most of the time. We've got a lot of problems here on earth. A lot of pain and confusion and hurt. A lot of fear. A lot of anger and frustration. But through it all, we have a blanket of love that keeps things going."
Then it looks like this....
The extension I see reaching wide and high and deep with my precious family everywhere, is the power of Love. It really is that infinite tapestry.
I found this, it's a really great example of our being tied together.
It begins like this....
Interwoven Tapestry of Love
"It's hard to imagine most of the time. We've got a lot of problems here on earth. A lot of pain and confusion and hurt. A lot of fear. A lot of anger and frustration. But through it all, we have a blanket of love that keeps things going."
Then it looks like this....
February 21, 2009, Living Love Without Walls
There is no doubt as I observe and experience community more, I see there are permeable walls or rather no walls. The walls are man made and are temporary.
Yesterday I was in awe as I thought about the beauty of the Body. We are not disconnected, we are cells of a single Body. There is an (that is singular) infinite Body of Christ which has His Heart and breathes in unity and It connects Heaven with Earth. The Body is beautiful and magnificent beyond words. There is such incredible Love moving and connecting and reaching and calling everywhere, and it can only be experienced when allowed to flow freely.
There are no walls, only the ones our own minds have built which create a blind spot for our heart to see clearly. There are no limits, only those we allow. There is a beautiful Body which is truly living Love. The walls which have been erected are permeable or when we are able to see clearly, there are no walls at all.
Yesterday I was in awe as I thought about the beauty of the Body. We are not disconnected, we are cells of a single Body. There is an (that is singular) infinite Body of Christ which has His Heart and breathes in unity and It connects Heaven with Earth. The Body is beautiful and magnificent beyond words. There is such incredible Love moving and connecting and reaching and calling everywhere, and it can only be experienced when allowed to flow freely.
There are no walls, only the ones our own minds have built which create a blind spot for our heart to see clearly. There are no limits, only those we allow. There is a beautiful Body which is truly living Love. The walls which have been erected are permeable or when we are able to see clearly, there are no walls at all.
February 20, 2009 We imagine, they know
On Tuesday morning I started to type and after three tries with the email being deleted by hotmail or so it seems, I gave up, because I heard the first time and didn't listen and finally I said okay God, I hear you, He said 'be still'. And I did.
As we are one in the Spirit and one in the Lord there is no doubt this week we are all being still as well as feeling His peace that passes all understanding. There is certainly no understanding this tragedy being experienced by my friends in the loss of their precious son and brother. But there is a stillness of His peace knowing Aaron is with Jesus and they are both looking at all of us with a huge smile on the other side of this invisible division and saying 'I love you'. And we're looking on this side of this invisible division and saying the same thing to them. Oh I can only imagine the glory and beauty Aaron is feeling and experiencing in the presence of God.
This is the most amazing song which says it in our human understanding. And as I listen to this, there is no doubt as I weep, I also remember it playing when my dad left us temporarily to see Him face to face just like Aaron has this week, that on this side we only can imagine what it will be like. For those we love who have gone on to be with Him and see Him face to face, there is no more imagining, they know.
The weeping is in the overwhelming mourning and the missing, as well as in the overwhelming joy and the peace.
Our infinitely enormous family everywhere, on this side and on the other side is being still in His presence of His amazing peace.
I Can Only Image by Mercy Me
As we are one in the Spirit and one in the Lord there is no doubt this week we are all being still as well as feeling His peace that passes all understanding. There is certainly no understanding this tragedy being experienced by my friends in the loss of their precious son and brother. But there is a stillness of His peace knowing Aaron is with Jesus and they are both looking at all of us with a huge smile on the other side of this invisible division and saying 'I love you'. And we're looking on this side of this invisible division and saying the same thing to them. Oh I can only imagine the glory and beauty Aaron is feeling and experiencing in the presence of God.
This is the most amazing song which says it in our human understanding. And as I listen to this, there is no doubt as I weep, I also remember it playing when my dad left us temporarily to see Him face to face just like Aaron has this week, that on this side we only can imagine what it will be like. For those we love who have gone on to be with Him and see Him face to face, there is no more imagining, they know.
The weeping is in the overwhelming mourning and the missing, as well as in the overwhelming joy and the peace.
Our infinitely enormous family everywhere, on this side and on the other side is being still in His presence of His amazing peace.
I Can Only Image by Mercy Me
February 19, 2009 Please hold them
There are no words to express the pain, as the earth stands still for one precious loving family in their grief, other than love is going to them from everywhere. Arms are holding them as we hold each other with them. We are grieving with them.
Dear Jesus, as you hold their precious son Aaron, please hold his precious parents Steve, Pam and his brother Chris and comfort them. We love them so much.
Dear Jesus, as you hold their precious son Aaron, please hold his precious parents Steve, Pam and his brother Chris and comfort them. We love them so much.
February 18, 2009 Created, purged and rebirthed
Created, Molded, Filled, Assigned
The ancient process is called Lost Wax Casting. The sculptor creates a piece out wax and then it is cast. The cast piece is slowly heated to high temperature until the wax is burned out. Bronze or other metal is poured into the empty cast. The cast is then removed to reveal the creation.
The initial piece is form and undefined, as the process continues details emerge until the piece has given birth. But this is only the first birth. In order to become an indestructible piece, the first step for the molded piece, it must be purged in the fire. Once the mold is emptied it can be filled. The cast is removed and its beauty is revealed. Finishing touches to clean and polish the piece are the final process. Once complete the piece is admired by the creator (or Creator) and moved to its assigned place or home.
Well it's either I'm full of myself or I am like lost wax allowing the slow tedious process of being molded, purged, re-filled and re-birthed into a beautiful creation that God can now use for His purpose.
That sounds about right. The process takes a life-time, but the end result is magnificent.

The ancient process is called Lost Wax Casting. The sculptor creates a piece out wax and then it is cast. The cast piece is slowly heated to high temperature until the wax is burned out. Bronze or other metal is poured into the empty cast. The cast is then removed to reveal the creation.
The initial piece is form and undefined, as the process continues details emerge until the piece has given birth. But this is only the first birth. In order to become an indestructible piece, the first step for the molded piece, it must be purged in the fire. Once the mold is emptied it can be filled. The cast is removed and its beauty is revealed. Finishing touches to clean and polish the piece are the final process. Once complete the piece is admired by the creator (or Creator) and moved to its assigned place or home.
Well it's either I'm full of myself or I am like lost wax allowing the slow tedious process of being molded, purged, re-filled and re-birthed into a beautiful creation that God can now use for His purpose.
That sounds about right. The process takes a life-time, but the end result is magnificent.
February 16, 2009 Cut, Delete Teacher
Cut, Delete Teacher
Yeah, Aaron E. I'm with you, why did they have to go put this book in the bible? And oh how necessary it is to keep me in check, that is, my own reality check. That place where no man has to say a word to show me myself more clearly. It's that, 'who do I think I am?' book. It's that 'take out the trash' book. It's that short but not missing a thing about my life book. It's James.
For me, today, is the teacher thing (James 3). What an amazing book to keep me in check about becoming too big headed, haughty or prideful in regard to anything I do. Day after day as I walk this journey, instead of learning more and more, I am finding out I don't know a thing!
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life (but as soon as I think it is, it's not), by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. James 4
'Preach the gospel at all times and whenever necessary use words.' St. Francis of Assisi
The tongue, wow how it affects control, but who can control it? I know I am more aware of my wagging tongue :-). Talk about reducing words, 'cut' and 'delete' are really good tools to use, maybe they would work for my tongue as well.
Yeah, Aaron E. I'm with you, why did they have to go put this book in the bible? And oh how necessary it is to keep me in check, that is, my own reality check. That place where no man has to say a word to show me myself more clearly. It's that, 'who do I think I am?' book. It's that 'take out the trash' book. It's that short but not missing a thing about my life book. It's James.
For me, today, is the teacher thing (James 3). What an amazing book to keep me in check about becoming too big headed, haughty or prideful in regard to anything I do. Day after day as I walk this journey, instead of learning more and more, I am finding out I don't know a thing!
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life (but as soon as I think it is, it's not), by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. James 4
'Preach the gospel at all times and whenever necessary use words.' St. Francis of Assisi
The tongue, wow how it affects control, but who can control it? I know I am more aware of my wagging tongue :-). Talk about reducing words, 'cut' and 'delete' are really good tools to use, maybe they would work for my tongue as well.
February 15, 2009 Surrender to Experience
Surrender to Experience
How much do we really understand? How many answers do we really have? It is interesting in the searching, the division of experiencing Truth is determined by our total surrender to God as opposed to doing things on our own.
I've spent most of my life doing it on my own. Oh, I can't say it enough I love the Lord, but now I question what part of me since there was so much I didn't surrender. In the surrender there is a purging of all the trash and in 'taking out the trash' there is a clearing which opens up to see clearly that the part of me which was incomplete was my heart. How can the Lord be loved with just the mind?
For some of us it took a lot longer, for some of us we learn quickly. But then is it really 'learning', that is, learning from observation or books? Or is it in complete surrender that we 'experience' God while on our knees or an even better posture, on our faces.
There is a stillness where it all happens, it isn't in the 'doing'.
How much do we really understand? How many answers do we really have? It is interesting in the searching, the division of experiencing Truth is determined by our total surrender to God as opposed to doing things on our own.
I've spent most of my life doing it on my own. Oh, I can't say it enough I love the Lord, but now I question what part of me since there was so much I didn't surrender. In the surrender there is a purging of all the trash and in 'taking out the trash' there is a clearing which opens up to see clearly that the part of me which was incomplete was my heart. How can the Lord be loved with just the mind?
For some of us it took a lot longer, for some of us we learn quickly. But then is it really 'learning', that is, learning from observation or books? Or is it in complete surrender that we 'experience' God while on our knees or an even better posture, on our faces.
There is a stillness where it all happens, it isn't in the 'doing'.
February 13, 2009 Never changing, persistent LOVE
Never changing, persistent LOVE
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12
Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4
Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. --Franklin P. Jones
Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within the reach of every hand. --Mother Theresa
Love is energy of life. --Robert Browning
Life is a journey, and love is what makes that journey worthwhile. --Unknown
Love, then, hath every bliss in store; 'Tis friendship, and 'tis something more. Each other every wish they give; Not to know love is not to live. --John Gay
Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16
LOVE is infinite, never changing, we are the ones who are finite and the ones who change. We are the ones who choose to love and to be loved or not to love or receive love. When we are ready to stop dragging around the trash on our backs or behind us like a ball and chain then we see LOVE has been walking with us and NEVER left us alone. We can't see Him because our backs are bowed from the weight, and our vision is looking down all the time. Then when the load becomes too heavy we find help, there's Jesus standing next to us saying, 'Give it all to me, I already carried this for you'. We begin our journey learning how to love Him and others, He reminds us 'I loved you first'.

Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4
Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. --Franklin P. Jones
Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within the reach of every hand. --Mother Theresa
Love is energy of life. --Robert Browning
Life is a journey, and love is what makes that journey worthwhile. --Unknown
Love, then, hath every bliss in store; 'Tis friendship, and 'tis something more. Each other every wish they give; Not to know love is not to live. --John Gay
Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16
LOVE is infinite, never changing, we are the ones who are finite and the ones who change. We are the ones who choose to love and to be loved or not to love or receive love. When we are ready to stop dragging around the trash on our backs or behind us like a ball and chain then we see LOVE has been walking with us and NEVER left us alone. We can't see Him because our backs are bowed from the weight, and our vision is looking down all the time. Then when the load becomes too heavy we find help, there's Jesus standing next to us saying, 'Give it all to me, I already carried this for you'. We begin our journey learning how to love Him and others, He reminds us 'I loved you first'.
February 12, 2009 Love and Not Fear
Love and Not Fear
Yes, D.K my dear sister, I am 'in LOVE' and loving every minute of IT. But the truth is, I had to go through Hell (and it was always my choice) to get to this place where God has me right now. Then to a place of total surrender to God and His will and purpose for my life, then willingly allow Him to take me through His burning fire and be purged of everything that is man driven and man expected (and this is not gender related).
I'll be 55 this year (wow!) and 54 of these years I didn't get it completely, and still don't, but I am experiencing as opposed to understanding. In one year going through the purging fire, has allowed the beam to come out of my eye, my heart to be exposed and me to become more loving and compassionate. And also to come to a place that there is absolutely nothing in this loving that is about me. It is all about loving God first, then everyone else, starting with my family. And coming to a place in doing this, I am loving myself more now than ever.
I wanted to continue to write about LOVE this week for Valentine's, but really this should be every day of my life and living out LOVE whether anyone ever sees it or recognizes it. But really, genuine unconditional LOVE cannot be ignored or missed.
There is no doubt that this 'real' unconditional LOVE is the answer to everything. It is the answer for our needs being met, our relationships being healed, diplomacy, the stability of the economy and changing the hearts of our enemies. It may seem oversimplifying it with just one concept. But LOVE is not a concept. It is God Himself living through us.
Take this in deeply and never forget, because our lives depend on it....In the presence of LOVE, there is no FEAR. In LOVE we can lay down all fear. And with the upcoming economy collapse there is going to be a lot of FEAR. But regardless of family disasters, health issues, violence, dictatorship, the enemy 'perceived' in person but is spirit, famine, drought, or disasters, falling economy, job loss, property and financial loss, when operating in LOVE there is no FEAR during or of any of these things. Because when we see 10,000 fall at our side and our right hand, it will NOT come near us (Psalm 91), this is when His unconditional LOVE takes over, fear cannot come near us.
Soak in His LOVE, LIVE saturated in His LOVE. His perfect LOVE shines, His LIGHT is MAGNIFICENT!!
Yes, D.K my dear sister, I am 'in LOVE' and loving every minute of IT. But the truth is, I had to go through Hell (and it was always my choice) to get to this place where God has me right now. Then to a place of total surrender to God and His will and purpose for my life, then willingly allow Him to take me through His burning fire and be purged of everything that is man driven and man expected (and this is not gender related).
I'll be 55 this year (wow!) and 54 of these years I didn't get it completely, and still don't, but I am experiencing as opposed to understanding. In one year going through the purging fire, has allowed the beam to come out of my eye, my heart to be exposed and me to become more loving and compassionate. And also to come to a place that there is absolutely nothing in this loving that is about me. It is all about loving God first, then everyone else, starting with my family. And coming to a place in doing this, I am loving myself more now than ever.
I wanted to continue to write about LOVE this week for Valentine's, but really this should be every day of my life and living out LOVE whether anyone ever sees it or recognizes it. But really, genuine unconditional LOVE cannot be ignored or missed.
There is no doubt that this 'real' unconditional LOVE is the answer to everything. It is the answer for our needs being met, our relationships being healed, diplomacy, the stability of the economy and changing the hearts of our enemies. It may seem oversimplifying it with just one concept. But LOVE is not a concept. It is God Himself living through us.
Take this in deeply and never forget, because our lives depend on it....In the presence of LOVE, there is no FEAR. In LOVE we can lay down all fear. And with the upcoming economy collapse there is going to be a lot of FEAR. But regardless of family disasters, health issues, violence, dictatorship, the enemy 'perceived' in person but is spirit, famine, drought, or disasters, falling economy, job loss, property and financial loss, when operating in LOVE there is no FEAR during or of any of these things. Because when we see 10,000 fall at our side and our right hand, it will NOT come near us (Psalm 91), this is when His unconditional LOVE takes over, fear cannot come near us.
Soak in His LOVE, LIVE saturated in His LOVE. His perfect LOVE shines, His LIGHT is MAGNIFICENT!!
February 11, 2009 Love Evil Away
Love Evil Away
more of Romans 12...what an amazing guide for life!
12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. 20 On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Maybe at some point I ignored these guides and paid attention when it was convenient, when it was appropriate, when I thought it was the right time. I really always thought of myself as a loving, giving person, one who loved God with my whole heart. Loving God with my whole heart - that is part, because it does not include my mind, my strength and my soul. Loving those who love me and disregard those who don't - that is part. When I bless some and curse others, (this doesn't need to be overt) - that is part. When I was feeling humble sometimes and proud sometimes - that is part. Doing what is right in the eyes of everybody seems to be impossible, but when LOVE is involved it no longer is impossible.
At the beginning of the war in Iraq when the atrocities of genocide were being published about Saddam Hussein and his sons, fear and hate rose in the media, on the streets, in Christian media and communities, my son turned to me and said, shouldn't we pray for Saddam Hussein, he is a human being? WOW, talk about heaping coals on one's head. We as a nation were so caught up in the evil of this man that we failed to see he was human, that he also was created in the image of God. My son had it right. This is an example of unconditional LOVE, when no matter how evil a person becomes, we still LOVE them as a human being. It makes me wonder what would have happened if we as a nation had joined together to pray for Saddam and his family. One sure way to do away with evil is give unconditional LOVE (LOVE which requires nothing) to those who are hungry, thirsty, that is, the same LOVE Jesus gave us. So the saying, 'LOVE the devil out of them' is truth. And don't be surprised when you see Saddam in heaven because there was one young man who LOVED him unconditionally and prayed for his soul.
"What must we do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself."
more of Romans 12...what an amazing guide for life!
12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. 20 On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Maybe at some point I ignored these guides and paid attention when it was convenient, when it was appropriate, when I thought it was the right time. I really always thought of myself as a loving, giving person, one who loved God with my whole heart. Loving God with my whole heart - that is part, because it does not include my mind, my strength and my soul. Loving those who love me and disregard those who don't - that is part. When I bless some and curse others, (this doesn't need to be overt) - that is part. When I was feeling humble sometimes and proud sometimes - that is part. Doing what is right in the eyes of everybody seems to be impossible, but when LOVE is involved it no longer is impossible.
At the beginning of the war in Iraq when the atrocities of genocide were being published about Saddam Hussein and his sons, fear and hate rose in the media, on the streets, in Christian media and communities, my son turned to me and said, shouldn't we pray for Saddam Hussein, he is a human being? WOW, talk about heaping coals on one's head. We as a nation were so caught up in the evil of this man that we failed to see he was human, that he also was created in the image of God. My son had it right. This is an example of unconditional LOVE, when no matter how evil a person becomes, we still LOVE them as a human being. It makes me wonder what would have happened if we as a nation had joined together to pray for Saddam and his family. One sure way to do away with evil is give unconditional LOVE (LOVE which requires nothing) to those who are hungry, thirsty, that is, the same LOVE Jesus gave us. So the saying, 'LOVE the devil out of them' is truth. And don't be surprised when you see Saddam in heaven because there was one young man who LOVED him unconditionally and prayed for his soul.
"What must we do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself."
February 10, 2009 Love Is
Love Is
Giving LOVE is not based on what someone does or doesn't do. We LOVE those who hurt us, persecute us, beat us, imprison us, abuse, abandon us, neglect us because giving LOVE is not based on actions. God says LOVE and feed your enemy. LOVE never falls short, it is a profound, transforming transference of God's unconditional LOVE to each other. No one can ignore or overlook LOVE. No one can resist LOVE, that is real LOVE, because LOVE cannot be faked.
LOVE mends the broken hearted (those desperate for LOVE), feeds the hungry (those starving for LOVE), heals the sick (those seeking release and comfort in LOVE), clothes the naked (those needing covering under LOVE), covers a multitude of sins (those crying for mercy from LOVE).
There has never been a time in my life that love failed. If anything failed it was me and my flesh and fleshly desires and my stinkin' thinkin'. An amazing thing happens when we become broken, desperate, hungry and starving, naked and vulnerable, crying for mercy and forgiveness....LOVE was always there, IT was always waiting.
Giving LOVE is not based on what someone does or doesn't do. We LOVE those who hurt us, persecute us, beat us, imprison us, abuse, abandon us, neglect us because giving LOVE is not based on actions. God says LOVE and feed your enemy. LOVE never falls short, it is a profound, transforming transference of God's unconditional LOVE to each other. No one can ignore or overlook LOVE. No one can resist LOVE, that is real LOVE, because LOVE cannot be faked.
LOVE mends the broken hearted (those desperate for LOVE), feeds the hungry (those starving for LOVE), heals the sick (those seeking release and comfort in LOVE), clothes the naked (those needing covering under LOVE), covers a multitude of sins (those crying for mercy from LOVE).
There has never been a time in my life that love failed. If anything failed it was me and my flesh and fleshly desires and my stinkin' thinkin'. An amazing thing happens when we become broken, desperate, hungry and starving, naked and vulnerable, crying for mercy and forgiveness....LOVE was always there, IT was always waiting.
February 9, 2009 Giving and Receiving Uncondtional Love
Giving and Receiving Unconditional Love
I've been thinking about LOVE a lot today. How timely!! And IT is showing up more and more in such amazing life giving experiences. Both personally and vicariously through watching others.
What a beautiful experience as the women in my church reached out to a precious young couple yesterday, with amazing unconditional LOVE. There is no doubt, I am where I should be.
What a beautiful experience as those who come to Love Machine reach out to each other with amazing unconditional LOVE. There is no doubt, I am where I should be.
It is no coincidence, Unconditional LOVE is moving through our homes, across our neighborhoods, our cities, our nation, our world at unbelievable speed. One by one, as we search our own hearts and find Unconditional LOVE given to us by our Father in Heaven, we are able to give IT, and as we give LOVE, IT is spreading exponentially. It's like a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit softly touching and exposing our hearts.
There is no more judgment, no more commanding, no more demanding, no more requiring, no more controlling 'our way'. It is complete, uninhibited surrender to God (and surrender to each other) Who was never angry, vengeful, wrathful or destructive, but a God who has always, LOVED, a God Who 'IS' LOVE. Don't miss.....'IS'.....not just acts, thinks, does, gives, but 'IS'.
As I go through my day, everyone who comes within my path, wherever that may be, unconditional LOVE is transforming us. There is no doubt, I am where I should be.
There is and inexhaustible source of energy which comes from LOVE, enough that it spills over and excites all hearts everywhere.

I've been thinking about LOVE a lot today. How timely!! And IT is showing up more and more in such amazing life giving experiences. Both personally and vicariously through watching others.
What a beautiful experience as the women in my church reached out to a precious young couple yesterday, with amazing unconditional LOVE. There is no doubt, I am where I should be.
What a beautiful experience as those who come to Love Machine reach out to each other with amazing unconditional LOVE. There is no doubt, I am where I should be.
It is no coincidence, Unconditional LOVE is moving through our homes, across our neighborhoods, our cities, our nation, our world at unbelievable speed. One by one, as we search our own hearts and find Unconditional LOVE given to us by our Father in Heaven, we are able to give IT, and as we give LOVE, IT is spreading exponentially. It's like a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit softly touching and exposing our hearts.
There is no more judgment, no more commanding, no more demanding, no more requiring, no more controlling 'our way'. It is complete, uninhibited surrender to God (and surrender to each other) Who was never angry, vengeful, wrathful or destructive, but a God who has always, LOVED, a God Who 'IS' LOVE. Don't miss.....'IS'.....not just acts, thinks, does, gives, but 'IS'.
As I go through my day, everyone who comes within my path, wherever that may be, unconditional LOVE is transforming us. There is no doubt, I am where I should be.
There is and inexhaustible source of energy which comes from LOVE, enough that it spills over and excites all hearts everywhere.
February 8, 2009 The Fruit of Love
The Fruit of Love
It is LOVE that softly washes away superficial (flesh) desires, unforgiveness and hate. When we find LOVE, we desire to find more and more LOVE. And when we seek LOVE, all the following will be added too. Real LOVE cannot be faked. There are many things which say it's love, but don't be confused. LOVE gives and doesn't take, LOVE heals and doesn't tear down, LOVE seeks the highest for every human being. I probably could paste the entire chapter 12 of Romans because it is so amazing in connecting us all together. The BODY is alive and breathing and magnificent!!
Romans 12:9 Love must be sincere. (when LOVE is sincere all of the following becomes a reality) Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. 20 On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
And we are able to do these because of LOVE
It is LOVE that softly washes away superficial (flesh) desires, unforgiveness and hate. When we find LOVE, we desire to find more and more LOVE. And when we seek LOVE, all the following will be added too. Real LOVE cannot be faked. There are many things which say it's love, but don't be confused. LOVE gives and doesn't take, LOVE heals and doesn't tear down, LOVE seeks the highest for every human being. I probably could paste the entire chapter 12 of Romans because it is so amazing in connecting us all together. The BODY is alive and breathing and magnificent!!
Romans 12:9 Love must be sincere. (when LOVE is sincere all of the following becomes a reality) Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. 20 On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
And we are able to do these because of LOVE
February 7, 2009 Peace Within A Tumultuous Life
Peace Within A Tumultuous Life
It happens. We feel breathless and overwhelmed from all the peripheral insane circumstances that come at us in this life. Our choices are to feel more and more overwhelmed and drown or to find what is deep within us. We can choose to ride the tumultuous waves and be tossed around or to dive deep into the heart to the only One Who is able to give us peace that surpasses all understanding.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ____Jesus
A raging sea is always all around us...

Diving deep...to find peace...

Yep, it's here!!!....

It happens. We feel breathless and overwhelmed from all the peripheral insane circumstances that come at us in this life. Our choices are to feel more and more overwhelmed and drown or to find what is deep within us. We can choose to ride the tumultuous waves and be tossed around or to dive deep into the heart to the only One Who is able to give us peace that surpasses all understanding.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ____Jesus
A raging sea is always all around us...
Diving deep...to find peace...
Yep, it's here!!!....
February 6, 2009 Feeling Like A Worm
Feeling Like a Worm
What I am feeling? Not overwhelmed, but experiencing the closeness with those in my life and how God puts us all together in such a beautiful and loving way all around the earth. My mind when it tries to go there, well you know, it can't. How little and trite it makes me feel, smaller than an worm on the earth.
Isaiah 41:14 "Do you feel like a lowly worm, Jacob? Don't be afraid. Feel like a fragile insect, Israel? I'll help you. I, God, want to reassure you. The God who buys you back, The Holy of Israel.
Can you see me? Can you see you? Fragile? Like Israel? He is saying, 'I, God, want to reassure you', I will help you, Don't be afraid'.

And today is such a special day, my son Josh's 27th birthday!! Wow, I am so honored that he Lord gave him to us. What a gift!
What I am feeling? Not overwhelmed, but experiencing the closeness with those in my life and how God puts us all together in such a beautiful and loving way all around the earth. My mind when it tries to go there, well you know, it can't. How little and trite it makes me feel, smaller than an worm on the earth.
Isaiah 41:14 "Do you feel like a lowly worm, Jacob? Don't be afraid. Feel like a fragile insect, Israel? I'll help you. I, God, want to reassure you. The God who buys you back, The Holy of Israel.
Can you see me? Can you see you? Fragile? Like Israel? He is saying, 'I, God, want to reassure you', I will help you, Don't be afraid'.
And today is such a special day, my son Josh's 27th birthday!! Wow, I am so honored that he Lord gave him to us. What a gift!
February 5, 2009 Balance With A Single Focal Point
Balance With A Single Focal Point
Have you ever felt like life was turning and whirling all around you almost making you dizzy? It's the same thing that happens when you are the one who is spinning and everything is swirling around you in front of your eyes. It's crazy and out of focus. But on the other hand, in order to stay in balance and not become dizzy, when a ballerina or dancer spins, their focus is on a single focal point with each revolution.
When life is crazy and everything is spinning all around us making us dizzy or we are the one spinning and everything is out of focus, we find balance and Grace with our focus on Jesus.

When life is crazy and everything is spinning all around us making us dizzy or we are the one spinning and everything is out of focus, we find balance and Grace with our focus on Jesus.
February 4, 2009 A Little Love A Little Early
A Little Love A Little Early
It is Tuesday evening and I'm sitting here after feeling so much love coming from everyone all day long. My mind just can't wrap itself around the thought. Yes, right! 'My mind', that's why! But I will let it wrap itself around me as my heart swells and expands with all the hearts out there, all of you who are so near to me.
God is so good. He gives us each other to encourage, hold, lift up, cry with, cry on, be a shoulder and with tissues for those crying. But in it is the magnificent wonder of it all as we ponder together this limitless Love. No distance, no time, no place can contain it or stifle it. In it there is room for all our emotions and ample time to express them, sharing all of our fears, pain, doubt, hurt, along with joy and peace.
You are loving hearts out there, in this we find the healing we have been searching for, the truth we seek, the fulfillment that we long for. We are the lights, the conduits, the hands, the arms, the eyes, the hearts that come together as one amazing, magnificent, Body.
So once again I will hit the 'send' link to send this through cyberspace, God's space. I don't need to understand the dynamics of the technology, I just need to know how to use it. And I will.....I love you and feel you too.
It is Tuesday evening and I'm sitting here after feeling so much love coming from everyone all day long. My mind just can't wrap itself around the thought. Yes, right! 'My mind', that's why! But I will let it wrap itself around me as my heart swells and expands with all the hearts out there, all of you who are so near to me.
God is so good. He gives us each other to encourage, hold, lift up, cry with, cry on, be a shoulder and with tissues for those crying. But in it is the magnificent wonder of it all as we ponder together this limitless Love. No distance, no time, no place can contain it or stifle it. In it there is room for all our emotions and ample time to express them, sharing all of our fears, pain, doubt, hurt, along with joy and peace.
You are loving hearts out there, in this we find the healing we have been searching for, the truth we seek, the fulfillment that we long for. We are the lights, the conduits, the hands, the arms, the eyes, the hearts that come together as one amazing, magnificent, Body.
So once again I will hit the 'send' link to send this through cyberspace, God's space. I don't need to understand the dynamics of the technology, I just need to know how to use it. And I will.....I love you and feel you too.
February 3, 2009 The Ego and Simple Truth
The Ego and Simple Truth
Well since I couldn't type fast enough this is bits and pieces. I was listening out of curiosity to the TV evangelist of the largest mega church in this area. Here is some of what he said....
I am not a poverty minister.
We are not suppose to drag around.
You are suppose to have an abundant overflowing, full life.
What would it look like if my children didn't look good, wore raggedy clothes, it would be a poor reflection on me.
It's the same with our God no matter where you are.
You are a child of the most high God, if you have only one outfit, clean it, iron it and wear it with your head up high.
God sees you as a king and a queen
You and I are suppose to reign in life
You've got to fake it until you make it, walk it, talk it, dress like a king.
Go by what you know.
You are created to reign.
As I put seeds of faith in you strong holds are being broken.
You were created to reign, it is your time of power.
Your vision is increasing today.
God is ready to pour out more.
You were not created to be average.
You may not have seen it yet, you are going to be the most blessed, have the most friends, the most wisdom...
Some of you have to give God permission to increase you.
You struggle because you don't feel you deserve or dare to believe.
God has a barn load of blessings.
My dad developed a poverty mind set, early on he didn't have any vision for increase he didn't want to complain.
Mom and dad were barely scraping by, their capacity to receive was limited, he embraced that little cup for so long, God was trying to expand him, he had that old wine skin.
We wouldn't be here today if he had not broken out of that mentality.
I'm going for the gold, I'm going for the barn. Don't live with a narrow vision. You haven't touched the surface of what God has in store.
A story about a frog was told:
The frog splashed in a well, life was good it doesn't get any better. He noticed a light up at the top of the well and climbed up and peered over the edge. He saw a pond and then a lake and then to the ocean.He thought he had it all but only had a drop. We're like the frog, limited, closed in our environment. God has an ocean, you have a cup mentality. Go a little further and look out over the edge.
Believe for bigger things.
Psalm 35:27 "Let them shout for joy and be glad, Who favor my righteous cause; And let them say continually, "Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant."
God knows if you hear something long enough it gets down inside.
New things are coming, health is being restored, speak that favor over your life, 'I'm going to have a supernatural life'. Some of you are stuck in a rut from generations like my dad.
Head straight to the ocean to the fullness, you are a king and queen, your time of power is still in session. One touch of God's favor takes you from the well to the ocean.
Supernatural breakthrough, healing, deliverance opportunity, connection, increase,
You'll say 2009 is my year to shine.
There would be nothing accomplished in standing for, agreeing with or being sarcastic or making fun of anything about this teaching. God Word is Truth regardless of how It is presented. It stands alone and He needs no help. It is grieving that we use It to pull out just exactly what we desire in this life.
I'm actually ashamed to say one time in church I was upset with someone who spoke against prosperity teaching. I thought I could come up with many scriptures to confirm that God was a God of prosperity (measured in things). And certainly if someone was prospering financially and had all the excess comforts that this life could offer...well surely... I was prospering at the time...surely I was doing something right.
It is so clear to me now that it has nothing to do with 'what I do or say' or 'what I have or what I don't have'. I understand, freely I receive from a loving God. There is nothing attached or required to receive, it's free and there is nothing that I should withhold when giving because it's free. It is all abundant, overflowing capacity of Unconditional Love and Grace.
I have only sorrow and a sick feeling for the confusion, as it blinds and covers up the depth and love of God and His Truth which cannot be experienced in superficial want, showmanship and self exaltation. It is hard enough on the other side of this to surrender daily and be humble in simplicity. I have been on both sides of this prosperity fence and I choose a personal, heart to heart relationship, with gratitude for everything in my life, to my Lord, my God and my King.
I am grieved that the world cannot see God in these confusing, self exalted presentations, or find Him as they search with themselves with that measure of faith, a beautiful, simple foundation that is fertile and ready to receive. The things of this world have changed the condition of the soil. God's Word isn't complicated and confusing. His Word has been turned into a fortune magazine instead of His so simple a child can understand, inviting, life changing Living Guide Book, showing His Love and desire to deeply searching and hurting 'real' people, you and me.
It may not be the smartest thing I ever do when I hit this 'send' link, but it is what I am feeling. His Word is powerful and does offer all and everything we need or don't need. It isn't about prosperity or poverty teachings, these are the definitions applied by man to inflate our own egos and has nothing to do with Who God Is.
It was once said to me, 'God promises us only sustenance and for every morsel of bread that goes into my mouth I am totally grateful'. Wow, the beauty in the simplicity of seeing God do His work and the beauty of coming out of my human ego driven self to a place of total gratitude. It's this beautiful place where I don't need anything more than sustenance and totally grateful for what I have and what I don't have. I don't just want to talk the talk, or regurgitate what I hear, or what I think I hear, but I want to be a walking, living example of His Love.
I am so unworthy to even speak His Name. It can't get better than this.
Well since I couldn't type fast enough this is bits and pieces. I was listening out of curiosity to the TV evangelist of the largest mega church in this area. Here is some of what he said....
I am not a poverty minister.
We are not suppose to drag around.
You are suppose to have an abundant overflowing, full life.
What would it look like if my children didn't look good, wore raggedy clothes, it would be a poor reflection on me.
It's the same with our God no matter where you are.
You are a child of the most high God, if you have only one outfit, clean it, iron it and wear it with your head up high.
God sees you as a king and a queen
You and I are suppose to reign in life
You've got to fake it until you make it, walk it, talk it, dress like a king.
Go by what you know.
You are created to reign.
As I put seeds of faith in you strong holds are being broken.
You were created to reign, it is your time of power.
Your vision is increasing today.
God is ready to pour out more.
You were not created to be average.
You may not have seen it yet, you are going to be the most blessed, have the most friends, the most wisdom...
Some of you have to give God permission to increase you.
You struggle because you don't feel you deserve or dare to believe.
God has a barn load of blessings.
My dad developed a poverty mind set, early on he didn't have any vision for increase he didn't want to complain.
Mom and dad were barely scraping by, their capacity to receive was limited, he embraced that little cup for so long, God was trying to expand him, he had that old wine skin.
We wouldn't be here today if he had not broken out of that mentality.
I'm going for the gold, I'm going for the barn. Don't live with a narrow vision. You haven't touched the surface of what God has in store.
A story about a frog was told:
The frog splashed in a well, life was good it doesn't get any better. He noticed a light up at the top of the well and climbed up and peered over the edge. He saw a pond and then a lake and then to the ocean.He thought he had it all but only had a drop. We're like the frog, limited, closed in our environment. God has an ocean, you have a cup mentality. Go a little further and look out over the edge.
Believe for bigger things.
Psalm 35:27 "Let them shout for joy and be glad, Who favor my righteous cause; And let them say continually, "Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant."
God knows if you hear something long enough it gets down inside.
New things are coming, health is being restored, speak that favor over your life, 'I'm going to have a supernatural life'. Some of you are stuck in a rut from generations like my dad.
Head straight to the ocean to the fullness, you are a king and queen, your time of power is still in session. One touch of God's favor takes you from the well to the ocean.
Supernatural breakthrough, healing, deliverance opportunity, connection, increase,
You'll say 2009 is my year to shine.
There would be nothing accomplished in standing for, agreeing with or being sarcastic or making fun of anything about this teaching. God Word is Truth regardless of how It is presented. It stands alone and He needs no help. It is grieving that we use It to pull out just exactly what we desire in this life.
I'm actually ashamed to say one time in church I was upset with someone who spoke against prosperity teaching. I thought I could come up with many scriptures to confirm that God was a God of prosperity (measured in things). And certainly if someone was prospering financially and had all the excess comforts that this life could offer...well surely... I was prospering at the time...surely I was doing something right.
It is so clear to me now that it has nothing to do with 'what I do or say' or 'what I have or what I don't have'. I understand, freely I receive from a loving God. There is nothing attached or required to receive, it's free and there is nothing that I should withhold when giving because it's free. It is all abundant, overflowing capacity of Unconditional Love and Grace.
I have only sorrow and a sick feeling for the confusion, as it blinds and covers up the depth and love of God and His Truth which cannot be experienced in superficial want, showmanship and self exaltation. It is hard enough on the other side of this to surrender daily and be humble in simplicity. I have been on both sides of this prosperity fence and I choose a personal, heart to heart relationship, with gratitude for everything in my life, to my Lord, my God and my King.
I am grieved that the world cannot see God in these confusing, self exalted presentations, or find Him as they search with themselves with that measure of faith, a beautiful, simple foundation that is fertile and ready to receive. The things of this world have changed the condition of the soil. God's Word isn't complicated and confusing. His Word has been turned into a fortune magazine instead of His so simple a child can understand, inviting, life changing Living Guide Book, showing His Love and desire to deeply searching and hurting 'real' people, you and me.
It may not be the smartest thing I ever do when I hit this 'send' link, but it is what I am feeling. His Word is powerful and does offer all and everything we need or don't need. It isn't about prosperity or poverty teachings, these are the definitions applied by man to inflate our own egos and has nothing to do with Who God Is.
It was once said to me, 'God promises us only sustenance and for every morsel of bread that goes into my mouth I am totally grateful'. Wow, the beauty in the simplicity of seeing God do His work and the beauty of coming out of my human ego driven self to a place of total gratitude. It's this beautiful place where I don't need anything more than sustenance and totally grateful for what I have and what I don't have. I don't just want to talk the talk, or regurgitate what I hear, or what I think I hear, but I want to be a walking, living example of His Love.
I am so unworthy to even speak His Name. It can't get better than this.
February 2, 2009 In Vast Darkness
In Vast Darkness
As I am becoming more aware of (that is experiencing) the awesome beauty and wonder of this vast creation, the awareness of (that is experiencing also) a vast darkness is also coming more into focus. The brokenness everywhere, and without limit brings me to my knees and feeling helpless, which is necessary in order to remind me we are the same. And if left up to me there is no hope to be saved. I see clearly through the heavy veils of circumstances and darkness, there is a Light.
As I wrote yesterday, I am committed to stand (and there is no dancing around) at the edge of the endless dark pit, ready with holding human arms to help those hurting, hopeless, damaged, desperate, abused, suffocating, blind, leprous, lifeless, dying and dead. I understand now, under all the acting out is a precious human 'becoming' screaming for unconditional love (and to be sure, we all need this same love). I can reach out with unconditional love by remembering my own brokenness. It is here I can 'stand with' and not 'run away from' the pain in the dark. We begin our journey to become fully alive instead of dead and never forgetting our human flawing and stumbling. I am no longer afraid because darkness can't have me and I can carry His light into areas of darkness to show the way to a more fully alive and abundant Life.
It no longer is about 'me' but continually remembering the bloody and horrific death on that Cross and what He actually did just for me (for each one of us individually) was Pure Unconditional Love.
Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

As I am becoming more aware of (that is experiencing) the awesome beauty and wonder of this vast creation, the awareness of (that is experiencing also) a vast darkness is also coming more into focus. The brokenness everywhere, and without limit brings me to my knees and feeling helpless, which is necessary in order to remind me we are the same. And if left up to me there is no hope to be saved. I see clearly through the heavy veils of circumstances and darkness, there is a Light.
As I wrote yesterday, I am committed to stand (and there is no dancing around) at the edge of the endless dark pit, ready with holding human arms to help those hurting, hopeless, damaged, desperate, abused, suffocating, blind, leprous, lifeless, dying and dead. I understand now, under all the acting out is a precious human 'becoming' screaming for unconditional love (and to be sure, we all need this same love). I can reach out with unconditional love by remembering my own brokenness. It is here I can 'stand with' and not 'run away from' the pain in the dark. We begin our journey to become fully alive instead of dead and never forgetting our human flawing and stumbling. I am no longer afraid because darkness can't have me and I can carry His light into areas of darkness to show the way to a more fully alive and abundant Life.
It no longer is about 'me' but continually remembering the bloody and horrific death on that Cross and what He actually did just for me (for each one of us individually) was Pure Unconditional Love.
Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
February 1, 2009 Receive and Give
Receive and Give
We all know those who are easy to love and harder to love and those we want ignore or avoid like a plague in order not to do the necessary work of what Love is all about. We don't know how to love them in the face of bitterness, hate and control. But when we can allow ourselves to be open and transparent and see that he or she is really a mirror of me, then the work begins.
So now the real beautiful challenge and life lesson for me is to love those who hate me, are bitter towards me, or try to control me. I can love without being sucked into the vortex of that kind of hell. But instead now I can stand at the edge of these very deep holes and be there and give open, heart felt compassion and be holding human arms when they are ready to climb out. Then together we can stumble to the cross. Freely He gives me and freely I give. This is healing.
Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.
We all know those who are easy to love and harder to love and those we want ignore or avoid like a plague in order not to do the necessary work of what Love is all about. We don't know how to love them in the face of bitterness, hate and control. But when we can allow ourselves to be open and transparent and see that he or she is really a mirror of me, then the work begins.
So now the real beautiful challenge and life lesson for me is to love those who hate me, are bitter towards me, or try to control me. I can love without being sucked into the vortex of that kind of hell. But instead now I can stand at the edge of these very deep holes and be there and give open, heart felt compassion and be holding human arms when they are ready to climb out. Then together we can stumble to the cross. Freely He gives me and freely I give. This is healing.
Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.
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