
December 31, 2007, Proverbs 31 Woman

Once again on the 31st day of the last day of the year, it seem so right as a woman that I find myself reading Proverbs 31 (actually that is at least three times since last week) to end the year. Searching knowing there is a perfect resolution for a new year hidden in the words of a mother to her son on a good wife. Comparing myself to every line; and asking, 'am I like this?', absolutely not. How can I compare myself to a woman that 'does it all, has it all'? She is like the most modern women in our day, wife, mother, housekeeper, entrepreneur; she is fearless, and strong; not afraid of the future. Although I am like her in some ways, I am awaken in my soul to desire the underlying reason for her strength. Even my struggle with not being "a morning" person sets me juxtaposed to her. I can find all the excuses for not being like her. But my resolution is to become more like her. Not in the 'doing' but in her confidence, knowing that the Lord is with her. Focusing on her inner strength and seeing her constant communication with her Lord is the reason for her strength. Going throughout her day she is the 'select woman' for a king, a 'good woman'. It isn't until the very last words you find her underlying strength, the reason for praise; she is the woman who lives in fear of God. He is the reason. Between the lines she is in constant praise to Him every moment of every day, between the lines, which is not stated, but now I understand her, she adores and praises Him constantly in her 'doing'. It is not longer just 'doing'.

As one more year ends and a new year begins, the old dies once more and there is a new birth coming. My resolution is to draw closer to the Lord, reverence Him, a good fear, a healthy fear. He is my strength, my all in all. I don't want to be more the "doing" woman but the God fearing woman, the woman who praises Him constantly. Then all the above can be guided and "not fall into place", because with my Lord, nothing falls into place, it all comes together in a beautiful, extraordinary way.

A new year....a woman for my King.

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