As the ball is lowered to end this year with hope for a new beginning, I want to share as I have on my heart revelation of death and resurrection from a new plateau. In my ever searching deeper walk with the Lord I want to walk right "inside" His heart to understand Him more, I find myself in the last week yearning for Him as I work on my own healing process. Like Song of Songs, she wanders in the city looking for the one she loved and is met by watchmen as she asks them, 'have you seen the one I love?" It has been a week of dying and being born again in a new plateau with the Lord. To understand that I should seek nothing from anyone. We are human pathways whom the Lord uses for His glory. He calls us to a deeper and deepest yearning for Him. He is my Lord, my God, my Everything, my All in All, my Protector, my Guider, my Savior, my Redeemer. My walk in this time and on this earth becomes so enriched in my awareness of His watching over me. My eyes, my heart is on and with Him. I realize that if I stay in this place and go to this place each and every moment of every day, regardless of the mundane, the turmoil, the stress, I find my Lover who is My Lord. This has and is and always will be the safest and most fulfilling place in our lives. As we reach out to Him to complete in us death and living, and living and death. How can we look anywhere else? My understanding and my awareness of his scourging becomes revealed as I welcome this death, it is a good death, humbled, not humiliated. It is as if someone had laid me across a whipping post for crimes committed, I waited for the blows to come. And I heard the Lord say, "I already bore the scourging so you wouldn't have to". He stopped the blows from my back, standing between me and the accuser and punisher and received it all on His back for me. I realize I have been redeemed. My life has changed and I welcome being humbled, it is not humiliating, it is healing to all my being. Don't be afraid to die to yourself and live again in His love, it is a communion shared, and share it with your family and those close to you and your acquaintances. This is my resolution for my "new' year to search for and love Him more.
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