
This Christmas, Touch.

I think about my day and my plans to be with family. I also think about those I Love, family and friends who cannot be with us this Holiday and New Year. While continually holding them in my Heart I purposely do not distract myself from their absence while running here and there shopping or at parties. They go with me. I purposely feel and know within me and believe that deep within "all our Hearts" we search for this expression of His Pure, Perfect Love through each other and through all our senses. 
A simple touch, hug or kiss, words expressed or written words, words that move our Heart and Soul are words that speak Life and Love into us; they are words that are powerful and deeply connect us with each other.

My invitation to you is to see the Miracle of you, this Miracle of Jesus, and don't be afraid to let His Miracle see you. Watch for the Miracle of God's Love and Life everywhere, everywhere you look. And experience His Son Jesus' invitation, the wonder and miracle of His Love. This is His Great Gift. 

For those who Love deeply, give Love deeply, please, you know Who and Whose you are, you who are fully Awake and Aware. Carry this Love that holds Eternal Life to the brokenhearted, to those living in deep sorrow of loss of loved ones, to those in agony, to those who are alone, to those who are not seen. They are "you". Please give Love. 

His Love and expressing His Love is all that matters, ever. It is our Greater Purpose.

Please connect.
18535 FM 1488 Ste 230 Box 116
Magnolia, TX 77354