I think about my day and my plans to be with family. I also think about those I Love, family and friends who cannot be with us this Holiday and New Year. While continually holding them in my Heart I purposely do not distract myself from their absence while running here and there shopping or at parties. They go with me. I purposely feel and know within me and believe that deep within "all our Hearts" we search for this expression of His Pure, Perfect Love through each other and through all our senses.
A simple touch, hug or kiss, words expressed or written words, words that move our Heart and Soul are words that speak Life and Love into us; they are words that are powerful and deeply connect us with each other.
My invitation to you is to see the Miracle of you, this Miracle of Jesus, and don't be afraid to let His Miracle see you. Watch for the Miracle of God's Love and Life everywhere, everywhere you look. And experience His Son Jesus' invitation, the wonder and miracle of His Love. This is His Great Gift.
For those who Love deeply, give Love deeply, please, you know Who and Whose you are, you who are fully Awake and Aware. Carry this Love that holds Eternal Life to the brokenhearted, to those living in deep sorrow of loss of loved ones, to those in agony, to those who are alone, to those who are not seen. They are "you". Please give Love.
His Love and expressing His Love is all that matters, ever. It is our Greater Purpose.
Please connect.
18535 FM 1488 Ste 230 Box 116
Magnolia, TX 77354
Agony and Ecstasy
So much pain and despair, so much in this world is unfair, He grieves with you, His Heart and His Spirit you choose, your choice for your Heart healing, His Perfect Love is revealing, agony and ecstasy are espoused, one is required for the other to arouse
Love Sees, Hears, Touches
Seeing is within the Heart, to look is only part, Hearing is the same, to listen leads the way, Touching does impart, from deep inside your Loving Heart, within The Door Who is The Way, Pure and Perfect Love intoxicates
Love Songs
The Love Song you write will take all Hearts to flight, don't stop writing Love Songs in the night, Love Songs in the day, Love Songs of melody, Love Songs that rhyme, this is a reminder for you whether you sing or write, your Love Songs help Hearts find their sight, soar with His Wings and take flight, as we all dance and sing together with Him in His Light
Love's Path Into Heaven
To Love or not to Love? That is the question, only one will lead us to The Path in Heaven, our Life is a Gift to Give or to Keep, Perfect Love does not fear Faith that leaps, Pure and Perfect Love never shuns or ostracizes, IT does not chastise, Love that is Pure and Perfect does not point, compare or criticize, His Perfect Love opens your own Heart's feeling, through layers of your unveiling, to The Path in Heaven Revealing, within Love's Compassionate Healing
Find Love
Perfect Love does not blame, IT sees all Hearts just the same, listen to His Love inside that is gentle, meek and kind, all answers you seek are here to find, He gives sight to Eyes of The Heart that are blind, listen carefully to His Gentle Voice, to become fully Alive is a choice
You Created me Alive, You Breathed Your Breath into me because You Love me, You Created me Beautiful In Your Image because You Love me, You placed Your ring on my finger and called me Your Beloved because You Love me, You watch me, Called me and made me Your Chosen, because You Love me, You Gifted me with every Good and Perfect Gift before You called me by my name, to share and give You back The Glory because I Love you, You gave me a Powerful Heart to Love You, to Love myself and to Love others, You are my strength in my weakness, in Your Great and Perfect Love I am completely Surrendered and totally Free, because You Love me, You held my Heart gently and changed my broken, hurt and hardened Heart and made my Heart Tender to see with Your Eyes, because You Love me, You Created me, You see me as Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Wonderous in Your Eyes, Molded me to see and feel as You do, You Love me, I Love You, You Love, I Love
Make Love
Make Love the reason to Live and Die, with clear vision and a desire to be Free and Alive, there is no other way, Love Makes Us One, you will find It when you seek The Son
Practice Perfect Unconditional Love
One more for today with these words to say, Practice Purposeful Giving of His Perfect Unconditional Love with Everyone, SEE HIS BEAUTY IN ALL OF LIFE, these words are Life Giving and can never be trite.
Love Echoes From The Well
In the depth of searching and great pain, a deep well echoes still waters remain, wash what rises from fear of demise, lifting to the surface all that hides, where White Light speaks and strongholds flee, where dread runs and falls on knees, listening deep for what He tells, His Healing Love echoes from the Well
Protect Our Childlike Hearts
Keep our Hearts protected with childlike purity, let Your Light be our constant security, venture left or right, we will keep You in our sight, when perceptions produce fear, remind us to fall into Your Love and that you are always right here
Love Post It
Just a PostIT to remind you are Beautiful, Precious and Wonderful beyond words, nothing will ever stop this Perfect Love He gave me to share with you, PERFECT LOVE IS THE GOOD NEWS!, post IT on your mirror, post IT on your walls, over your door and hang IT in your halls, Love is all you ever need, Love is all you need to know, open your Heart to let His Love for you flow and flow and flow
When Love Speaks
When Love speaks, Faith and Hope meet, when Wisdom speaks, Love and insight meet, when Insight speaks His Light and Heart meet, when Love speaks, Hearts meet
Love Longs For You
Love longs and yearns for you, patient, gentle and kind, Love gives sight to the blind, Love is the way to fully Live, No Greater Love can one give, Love comforts broken Hearts, He wants you to know, you are Love's Masterpiece and Magnificent Work of Art
With Pure Hearts
Please Dear Jesus surround our Hearts and protect us from the enemy, as we keep our Heart on you, we are your children, with Love to give like Yours, as we focus on You help our Hearts stay pure
As we surrender all and everything in our Lives to Follow Jesus, I can't help to wonder how many communities of "The Way" is He calling to change the world, one person at a time?
This is what I heard.
On 4/20 part of this rolled in me like thunder all night long, until I surrendered at 4:30am as I typed and the rest flowed This is for all of us who Love Him and each other extravagantly and freely with His Perfect, Real, True, Pure, Love, sacrificing everthing to Follow Him WE ARE ONE, WE ARE HIS "THE SIMPLE WAY" WE HOLD EACH OTHER WITH GREAT LOVE All night long the beginning of these words were flowing into me, this is my experience with us together in our surrender to our Beautiful L-rd, these are His Words
"My Dear Precious Ones of My Way, your Heart is One with Me and each other, your trust in Me and each other has the Heavens roaring with Joy, your Purity is My Joy as I watch you Love and play extravagantly before Me as My Children, your Freedom is My Heart's longing for all, you have reached Me, you are changing My Creation with My Love, they know Me by your True, Perfect, Real, Pure, Freeing Love you have for Me, Listen and experience Me as I take you where you seek, there will be nothing that you will not be able to do, because you Love Me First, My Love is being magnified through your Love for Me, I am so pleased as you continue in My Love, My Precious Sweet Wind, My Precious Sweet Jim, My Son, your Great Love is not missed, you have My Mantle and Rod, use them, they are My Holy and Sacred Weapons that are not forged by human hands, the weapon is My Love with intensity My Covering, My Joy, Greater things you now are doing as I am opening up the Windows of My Kingdom before your eyes, look in the Depth of Me, Look within the Depth of your Heart, I Love you with My Unfathomable Love that fills My Universe, Receive without restriction, this is Love intensified, My Love for you is increasing as My Universe and Creation increases, Receive, Receive My Love, Receive Me"
This is what I heard.
On 4/20 part of this rolled in me like thunder all night long, until I surrendered at 4:30am as I typed and the rest flowed This is for all of us who Love Him and each other extravagantly and freely with His Perfect, Real, True, Pure, Love, sacrificing everthing to Follow Him WE ARE ONE, WE ARE HIS "THE SIMPLE WAY" WE HOLD EACH OTHER WITH GREAT LOVE All night long the beginning of these words were flowing into me, this is my experience with us together in our surrender to our Beautiful L-rd, these are His Words
"My Dear Precious Ones of My Way, your Heart is One with Me and each other, your trust in Me and each other has the Heavens roaring with Joy, your Purity is My Joy as I watch you Love and play extravagantly before Me as My Children, your Freedom is My Heart's longing for all, you have reached Me, you are changing My Creation with My Love, they know Me by your True, Perfect, Real, Pure, Freeing Love you have for Me, Listen and experience Me as I take you where you seek, there will be nothing that you will not be able to do, because you Love Me First, My Love is being magnified through your Love for Me, I am so pleased as you continue in My Love, My Precious Sweet Wind, My Precious Sweet Jim, My Son, your Great Love is not missed, you have My Mantle and Rod, use them, they are My Holy and Sacred Weapons that are not forged by human hands, the weapon is My Love with intensity My Covering, My Joy, Greater things you now are doing as I am opening up the Windows of My Kingdom before your eyes, look in the Depth of Me, Look within the Depth of your Heart, I Love you with My Unfathomable Love that fills My Universe, Receive without restriction, this is Love intensified, My Love for you is increasing as My Universe and Creation increases, Receive, Receive My Love, Receive Me"
If We Miss Perfect Love
When I send out daily Love Rhyme Texts to a small group, if I try to constuct the poem I obstruct His Spirit's flow. I didn't know that this was in me but with this constant Death to Self and Resurrection, His Light is illuminating His Direction in my New Life.
Whoever came up with Rebirth was only one time, missed the ever expanding BEAUTY OF HIS EXTRAVAGANT LOVE. If we misinterpret PERFECT LOVE We miss Him
Whoever came up with Rebirth was only one time, missed the ever expanding BEAUTY OF HIS EXTRAVAGANT LOVE. If we misinterpret PERFECT LOVE We miss Him
Dreams and Vision: A Horse Named Meek
These come with dreams and visions early in the morning. It may take some time before I know who it is for or what the interpretation is but I always know, my Heart confirms this. This was for my dear, Brother and Friend Jim.
I saw a horse his name was Meek, he had a core of strength, he rode through the streets with power and swiftness, proclaiming Life is coming of Love and Newness
I saw a horse his name was Meek, he had a core of strength, he rode through the streets with power and swiftness, proclaiming Life is coming of Love and Newness
Wake Up With Love
As I lay in total Peace my Heart fills up while I sleep, I woke with Love's abundant flow, to let you know, His Love sets you totally Free, you are Prince and Princess of The King
This came from an experience of deep searching while in a difficult trial in 2010
When Ken and I searched His Heart for a place to have a transition home for those struggling, we were all struggling together
Renew: make (something) new, fresh, or strong again. : to make (a promise, vow, etc.) again. : to begin ..
My "renewed" mind now surrenders to my Heart, "The Peace you seek is within, it's not in the place between your head and chin", for years I fought terror and fear, and cried to Him, "please show me how to win!" He said again, "Peace can't be found in the place between your head and chin" Sweet Fire melted me again and again, now He is brushing the ashes away and polishing me, when He is finished, in the reflection intead of me it is His Face and Heart I see
When Ken and I searched His Heart for a place to have a transition home for those struggling, we were all struggling together
Renew: make (something) new, fresh, or strong again. : to make (a promise, vow, etc.) again. : to begin ..
My "renewed" mind now surrenders to my Heart, "The Peace you seek is within, it's not in the place between your head and chin", for years I fought terror and fear, and cried to Him, "please show me how to win!" He said again, "Peace can't be found in the place between your head and chin" Sweet Fire melted me again and again, now He is brushing the ashes away and polishing me, when He is finished, in the reflection intead of me it is His Face and Heart I see
Let Us Heal
Please don't be afraid of pain, please let healing tears fall like rain, please let terror scream, please let pain be seen, please don't turn away, please see it is you today, please experience His Love too, it is His Heart calling you
I realized when I committed to be Love, awareness to be totally all inclusive, freely giving also followed in the committment, I also became aware of old thought patterns to manipulate or avoid in order to produce certain outcomes. When they "try" to resurface they absolutely have no power anymore because I found and choose to Live His
Extravagant Love
Extravagant Love
Carefully selected words
Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a ruling rightly given. Proverbs 25:11
These are words that flow directly from the Heart with Great Love
fully exposed Heart with nothing to hide,
Reveals His Truth waiting inside,
Standing before Him with raw and naked parts,
Invites us to dance with exuberance with free exposed Hearts,
Innocence of a child, even when wild,
Don't stop His Love It's anything but mild,
He desires us to be completely Free,
Dancing in His Light exposes you and me
Reveals His Truth waiting inside,
Standing before Him with raw and naked parts,
Invites us to dance with exuberance with free exposed Hearts,
Innocence of a child, even when wild,
Don't stop His Love It's anything but mild,
He desires us to be completely Free,
Dancing in His Light exposes you and me
The Seeds of Love
Love never leaves but waits with great patience for the seed to become a
to become a tree,
to bear Beautiful Fruit,
then Its seeds plant a plentiful orchard
to become a tree,
to bear Beautiful Fruit,
then Its seeds plant a plentiful orchard
Profound Purpose
There is an awakening that comes with surrender, my journey has been enlightened by this
Additions to my blog are from words that drop into my Heart each day.
Can you catch the wind in your hands,
Tell a butterfly to attention stand?
Will a river on its own stop its flow,
Or trees cease to grow?
Will fish get up and walk,
Or majestic mountains talk?
Their purpose is created,
Even they are elated,
Even more profound,
Their purpose they have found
Additions to my blog are from words that drop into my Heart each day.
Can you catch the wind in your hands,
Tell a butterfly to attention stand?
Will a river on its own stop its flow,
Or trees cease to grow?
Will fish get up and walk,
Or majestic mountains talk?
Their purpose is created,
Even they are elated,
Even more profound,
Their purpose they have found

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