Yesterday this came to me..."Capture the Beauty that is on the inside rather than on the outside by looking through to the essence of God in all His Creation." I see the Gift of His Creation and how He allowed Life to form in and through me.
And as I wrote on Joshua's FB wall today..."don't do anything I 'taught' you"....maybe they don't realize that they taught me? Who I am leads more than what I 'do' or 'say'...what I 'do' is not who I am. If what I say lines up with who I am, expressed Love is received. This is a great gift that almost slipped away..I'm just thankful that the depth of my Living is greater than anything I could have done or imagined.
As a full day ends...remembering what I 'know' ....this is Living a Long Lived Lovely Life!
Yep! This is "A Wonderful Life!"