As difficulties increase there is only one place I can go that sustains, steadies and secures me and that is inside my Heart to listen to the Love and Peace that surpasses all cognitive understanding. There is a constant battle going on and it is not only 'out there'...if we pay close attention to our own battles and truthful with ourselves...we find there is just as much going on 'within'.
God calls us to be with Him 'within' our Hearts...we can be amazed at both His Creation 'without' and the beauty that unfolds everywhere, all at the same time not missing the same unfolding miracle that is 'within' us. Love is Life giving and Battles are Life giving as they drive us back within our Hearts. There are no borders within or without the Heart...It is a daily 'battle' and a choice to have Peace in all circumstances as Life and Love completes us.
When we signed on for our assignment with God to surrender 'all control' of our lives we never knew how it would the days to come I will reveal what has been occurring and the continual replay of our call and purpose. Day after day confirms that we are all on a unique segment of this path.
This is my Life.
I haven't been writing regularly here on my blog but will try to do so...but here are more inspirational notes that daily reveal my Heart...My Facebook profile is about Love. So if you want to walk this with me I invite you to join me...
"What we seek we will find; what we look for we will see; what we reach for we will grasp; Love reveals it all.
"The whole world, the whole expanding universe 'without' is also 'within'...our very cells are a universe expanding within...only an all Loving God could have created such magnificence"
"Only by facing our mortality can we come in touch with the life that transcends death. Our imperfections open for us the vision of the perfect life that God in and through Jesus has promised us." Henri Nouwen
"Love has no boundaries or limit, It is not confined by space or time. There is no limit to our reaching. The Kingdom of Heaven is in you"...Luke 11:21
"Walk in His Love...Perfect Unconditional Love does away with Fear driven responses. Fear is revealed in our judging, hatred, bigotry, the need to control, perfection, resisting daily dying to self; isolation, exclusion or anything that disconnect us from each other and God; Love is revealed in all things as we allow our Broken Hearts to Heal. Abide in His Love."
"There is assurance in all circumstances that our purpose 'is our call' and every moment of every day is a choice to surrender and continue together on this Path as we hold and remind each other to stay focused on God's Love. If you can't believe it's all His Love the experience has been blinded by past judgements and fear driven response performances.
Listen to your Heart...
''...that you may know the thoughts of your heart.' (Daniel 2:30b NKJV)
'...The thought of your heart may be forgiven you.' (Acts 8:22b NKJV
A Light Fractal Heart I created a few years ago....

And a Light Heart that Nasa captured in 2006
Titled: "Light from the Heart Nebula"
Credit & Copyright: Matt Russell