
May 13, 2012 Out of the Abundance of the Heart

At various weekends around the world we recognize Moms. The real life of a Mom is hidden deeply within her heart but is generally celebrated for the things that Moms do for their children. The marketing of merchandise to place a scale of value cheapens the true purpose of her Life and Love.

A Life giving Mom directly reflects abundant Love, the creative force of God's nature to create. Life's cycle from birth to death is not linear, it is enlarging and expanding like the womb, full of Life, through the pains of labor and birth to new Life. 

Out of the abundance of the Heart comes Life. We are here and to die is to Live. Our Moms surrendered to the pull of the heart to choose Life and in Life dies to self in order to bring forth Life.

I am a Mom and I have loved every minute of every day being a Mom, and the generations from my Mom and the lineage before her continues and will not end because Life will not end. 

Thank you Mom, my heart feels you and I Love you. You know it too.

"I Love you for who you 'are' and not what you 'do'" takes us to the depth of our purpose.

Happy Mother's Day

Sunday, March 25, 2012 Falling into Love

This thought came to me today,

How can we survive while face to face with each other with so much hatred, resentment, envy and cut-throat competition? Think of the healing that God has waiting for us when we can Love unconditionally without expectation...God knows the plans of our hearts. But by His invitation we are able to search and ask for His Light to illuminate what is hidden, what is dark within our hearts, bringing it all into His Light, what has been carefully concealed and covered up in fear. We must let go to be free and experience Love eradicating all fear.

I would think that Henri's daily devotional must have inspired this....although physical touch is healing, we can touch with hands and hearts from within that are not always visible as an outward action.

The Healing Touch

Touch, yes, touch, speaks the wordless words of love. We receive so much touch when we are babies and so little when we are adults. Still, in friendship touch often gives more life than words. A friend's hand stroking our back, a friend's arms resting on our shoulder, a friend's fingers wiping our tears away, a friend's lips kissing our forehead --- these are true consolation. These moments of touch are truly sacred. They restore, they reconcile, they reassure, they forgive, they heal. Everyone who touched Jesus and everyone whom Jesus touched were healed. God's love and power went out from him (see Luke 6:19). When a friend touches us with free, nonpossessive love, it is God's incarnate love that touches us and God's power that heals us.- Henri J. M. Nouwen

There have been many coaches in my life.. It has been their Love that is the example of God's Love.

This poem is one of many many inspiring words that I called my golden keys. They open the door to my heart to receive without fear and heal without obstruction.

This is my visual interpretation of these words. Fall where Jesus reminded us that He the depth of our Hearts. Stay Connected.

"The hole in my heart,
once carefully concealed,
has burst open,
and I have fallen in.

The fall leaves me breathless
and frozen in fear,
not the fear of hitting ground,
but that the fall will never end.

Hands reaching out to help me
I have pushed away.
Don't rescue me.

I need this.

They say, in dreams of falling,
that if you hit the ground you're dead.
I've been dead.
I must hit the ground to live."

by Jim Spivey

Jim, Thank You!!


February 27, 2012 Without/Within

As difficulties increase there is only one place I can go that sustains, steadies and secures me and that is inside my Heart to listen to the Love and Peace that surpasses all cognitive understanding. There is a constant battle going on and it is not only 'out there'...if we pay close attention to our own battles and truthful with ourselves...we find there is just as much going on 'within'.

God calls us to be with Him 'within' our Hearts...we can be amazed at both His Creation 'without' and the beauty that unfolds everywhere, all at the same time not missing the same unfolding miracle that is 'within' us. Love is Life giving and Battles are Life giving as they drive us back within our Hearts. There are no borders within or without the Heart...It is a daily 'battle' and a choice to have Peace in all circumstances as Life and Love completes us.

When we signed on for our assignment with God to surrender 'all control' of our lives we never knew how it would the days to come I will reveal what has been occurring and the continual replay of our call and purpose. Day after day confirms that we are all on a unique segment of this path.

This is my Life.

I haven't been writing regularly here on my blog but will try to do so...but here are more inspirational notes that daily reveal my Heart...My Facebook profile is about Love. So if you want to walk this with me I invite you to join me...

"What we seek we will find; what we look for we will see; what we reach for we will grasp; Love reveals it all.

"The whole world, the whole expanding universe 'without' is also 'within'...our very cells are a universe expanding within...only an all Loving God could have created such magnificence"

"Only by facing our mortality can we come in touch with the life that transcends death. Our imperfections open for us the vision of the perfect life that God in and through Jesus has promised us." Henri Nouwen

"Love has no boundaries or limit, It is not confined by space or time. There is no limit to our reaching. The Kingdom of Heaven is in you"...Luke 11:21

"Walk in His Love...Perfect Unconditional Love does away with Fear driven responses. Fear is revealed in our judging, hatred, bigotry, the need to control, perfection, resisting daily dying to self; isolation, exclusion or anything that disconnect us from each other and God; Love is revealed in all things as we allow our Broken Hearts to Heal. Abide in His Love."

"There is assurance in all circumstances that our purpose 'is our call' and every moment of every day is a choice to surrender and continue together on this Path as we hold and remind each other to stay focused on God's Love. If you can't believe it's all His Love the experience has been blinded by past judgements and fear driven response performances.

Listen to your Heart...

and here's a link on scientific research that our Heart 'thinks' ...

'For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...' (Proverbs 23:7a KJV)
''...that you may know the thoughts of your heart.' (Daniel 2:30b NKJV)
'...The thought of your heart may be forgiven you.' (Acts 8:22b NKJV

The Heart Thinks

Why would I 'think' my Heart would be any different from His?

A Light Fractal Heart I created a few years ago....

The expansiveness of Creation that we see 'without' is also 'within'.

And a Light Heart that Nasa captured in 2006

Titled: "Light from the Heart Nebula"
Credit & Copyright: Matt Russell


February 15th 2012 'IN LOVE'

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and a thought came to me because I see clearly the diversion and distraction of the world through the lies of an imposter love as opposed to the magnificent, unconditional Love that our Father has for everyone of us. No one is excluded. We have been taught that performance and giving of gifts is the way to being Loved and seen; He is saying there is only one way and "all I desire is that you be in Love with Me as I Love you".

I want to say to the whole world....there is a way to stop the fighting, stop the wars, stop the hate and separation and divorcing of those we Love. The way to this Love is through the need of nothing else but this Love...make Love first, because if it is unconditional, all inclusive, all embracing of each other as valuable precious humans 'being' and 'becoming' then we are truly 'IN LOVE'

Here is what came to me yesterday and I pray it sets many Free...
"Don't be caught up in the man made retail holiday of what Valentine's Day, or any other man made holiday and what they have come to represent...but simply see these days as days to remember that that you are totally Loved and beautiful beyond words. Whether you are by yourself or have many close relationships with family and friends...You are NOT alone....There is ONE Who Loves you beyond words and His LOVE is unconditional and He sees you as precious and beautiful. He will never leave you!! You are Loved!!! ....and I Love you too!!

Let your Light shine in the pain of darkness..


February 6, 2012, 30 Years Old

I started off my day listening to God's still quiet voice within my heart to lead me...when I don't hear I find myself panicked and disconnected. Then I realize it isn't in the 'trying' or 'doing' in order to is in 'being' with...and with all my struggles I felt this wonderful awareness of how my Life is so amazing, and has been amazing. Ken and I have been blessed with 2 sons, Joshua who arrived exactly 30 years ago and Jesse who joined us a year and a half later.

Yesterday this came to me..."Capture the Beauty that is on the inside rather than on the outside by looking through to the essence of God in all His Creation." I see the Gift of His Creation and how He allowed Life to form in and through me.

And as I wrote on Joshua's FB wall today..."don't do anything I 'taught' you"....maybe they don't realize that they taught me? Who I am leads more than what I 'do' or 'say'...what I 'do' is not who I am. If what I say lines up with who I am, expressed Love is received. This is a great gift that almost slipped away..I'm just thankful that the depth of my Living is greater than anything I could have done or imagined.

As a full day ends...remembering what I 'know' ....this is Living a Long Lived Lovely Life!

Yep! This is "A Wonderful Life!"