
May 20, 2011 In This Space

There is a space of joyful waiting and anticipation in which the attempted grasp of fear may not enter.

Our own personal distractions diminish or stiffle our 'seeing'. I'm sure distractions will never cease in this Life, but we can choose to see circumstances for what they are. Instead of focusing on outside distractions or our own busy thinking we become 'indwellers', practicing to listen for God's voice 'within' ourselves, using the 'eyes of our hearts' to pay attention. Listening to Him say over and over, 'Trust Me'.

This deep Love is nourishing us and flourishing in us and cannot be substituted by what we 'do' for each other or 'with' each other. We realize our attempts to create a perfect space of protecting each other from experiencing the pain of the world are attempts 'not' to replicate what we perceive as negative from life's experiences.

Our example of how we Love God is through our abandoned surrender to Him. Our most amazing experiences of His provision and healing have come when there was nothing left or nothing else to do but 'stand'. It is in this 'space', the waters rise up to make a way where there seems to be no other way. Our patience to 'stand' in it as everything seems to fall apart will soon bring revelation that He has been with us from the beginning,

When we have the plan for how God will do His Work, the 'edge of the sea experience' is buried in an attempt to protect ourselves and others. When times are difficult (and they are always) and it feels like we are going to fall apart, it is not because we have done something wrong, but instead it is the space that opens the Eyes of our Hearts. This is space of our dying to reveal Life, this is our metamorphosis.

Regardless of the place, 'the space' for His Holy Spirit to move 'in' us, and 'reveal' His plan, is in the 'space' up against the edge of the sea, with no evidence of how to get to the other side. That space of not seeing with our eyes but knowing with our hearts that if He says 'Trust Me', He will carry us to the other side either kicking and screaming inside a big fish, or have us build a boat or He'll lift up the water so there is dry land to cross. And we don't need to test the water to know it's wet because we'll arrive on the other side dry, maybe stinking like a fish but dry.

Choose your method

His Heart My Heart Your Heart