
March 8, 2009 FW: Words of encouragement as black clouds seem to gather

My email for this morning can wait until tomorrow. This dropped in my heart and is creating a flood...with all the relentless pounding of despair and darkness all around us, please don't give up, please remember where your help does come from. It isn't from any other institution, person, bank or government. We have One standing and waiting for us to cry out to Him; this is where we find peace, protection and provision.

As I prayed hard this morning, feeling the upcoming challenges that lie ahead in living and supporting people (starting with my own family) through quite possibly the darkest times of their lives, as they wrestle with their choices and their own conscience vs. the world's promotions and seductions, feeling so tired, like they're groping exhaustedly in the dark, here are the amazing words He offered to encourage me in the daily battles. And the battles sure do unfold before right before our eyes, as worldwide financial miseries mount, and it's becoming easier to see the strain on and tears in the very fabric of our society - with faith waning and cynicism and jadedness growing, family and marital chaos, disconnection, and disharmony abounding, abuse, bitterness, and competition seething, delusions, denials, and distractions multiplying, performance and work obsession rising to new heights in a state of disarray and panic and total loss of focus or sense of purpose. What an amazing time to be alive and empowered as a light in the darkness - in this amazingly beautiful mess. I do not need to find my own safety, to use my intellect or good ideas to save myself. He did not cause my difficulties or problems, I did, in my surrender to the world. And now I simply need His protection as I surrender my life to do His will.

Isaiah 50 (The Message)
1-3 God says:
"Can you produce your mother's divorce papers proving I got rid of her?Can you produce a receipt proving I sold you? Of course you can't. It's your mistakes that put you here, your wrongs that got you shipwrecked.So why didn't anyone come when I knocked? Why didn't anyone answer when I called?Do you think I've forgotten how to help? Am I so decrepit that I can't deliver?I'm as powerful as ever, and can reverse what I once did:I can dry up the sea with a word, turn river water into desert sand,And leave the fish stinking in the sun, stranded on dry land . . .Turn all the lights out in the sky and pull down the curtain." 4-9The Master, God, has given me a well-taught tongue, so I know how to encourage tired people. He wakes me up in the morning, wakes me up, opens my ears to listen as one ready to receive orders.The Master, God, opened my ears, and I didn't go back to sleep, didn't pull the covers back over my head.I followed orders, stood there and took it while they beat me. I held steady while they pulled out my beard.I didn't dodge their insults and faced them straight up as they spit in my face and mocked me.And the Master, God, He stayed right here with me and helped me, so I'm not disgraced.Therefore I set my face like flint, confident that I will never regret this.My champion is right here. Let us take our stand together!Who dares bring suit against me? Let him try!Look! The Master, God, is right here. Who would dare call me guilty?Look! My accusers are a clothes bin of threadbare socks and shirts, fodder for moths! 10-11Who out there fears God and actually listens to the voice of his servant?For anyone out there who doesn't know where you're going, anyone groping in the dark,here's what there is to do right now: Trust in God. Lean on your God!But if all you're after is making trouble, playing with fire, go ahead and see where it gets you. Set your fires, stir people up, blow on the flames, but don't expect me to just stand there and watch. I'll hold your feet to those flames. ...

and we'll just let Him warm our feet together.

And then I looked over at the desk calendar, and here was today's message:"The key to empowerment, both personal and collective, is the understanding that, although darkness stalks the light relentlessly, the light will always reassert itself and prevail. No matter what is happening, the universe is fully invested in healing and wholeness. God always has the final say; He is running things, and He has everything firmly in hand. He even has the enemy's feet held firmly to the fire, even as he tries so desperately to dance and dart about, to totally mess with us. The good news is that, in the end, he's hopeless - his efforts are futile and useless - his vain war already lost."

Jim Spivey
Revolution Consulting
2219 McDuffieHouston, TX
77019(713) 854-4848


"helping people wake up and come alive, connect deeply with God, themselves, and others,and choose a life of passion, purpose, and self-responsibility"

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