Slowing down in order to connect with hearts
For a few days now I've been thinking about how fast we live. We drive fast, eat fast, talk fast, plan fast, we have fast meetings, fast food, fast computers (except mine :-)), fast cars, to fill up the fast passing days, our minds run fast in order to get to the next fast appointment, the frenzy, well... especially this time of year. I am guilty, and those of you who know me can see that I am slowing down (not because of age, yet, thank God!) out of my desire for more purposeful one-on-one connecting, in order to allow time necessary to really love those in my life and also allow the necessary time for them to love me, which cannot happen in a fast passing whirlwind, but only in cherished, honored, attentive time. In the slowing down I've found something far more valuable than gold, being with my family and friends, heart to heart. The slowing down has allowed me to be more alert and more alive, to listen more to what God is saying to me, 'love unconditionally'. And with this there are no elaborate decorations, spending or planning, just beautiful time to enjoy each other, and we will.
I can't help it. This song brings back such great memories as Ken, Josh, Jesse, Ken's sister Debbie and I every year would travel to be together with Ken's sister Lisa. We would leave early every Christmas morning and sing songs along with the radio, then this timeless song would come on and we would have a blast singing it. Jesse with his amazing voice at age 3 could sing in key!, then sometime afterwards Josh, at age 4, decided he wanted count all the way to LaGrange TX (which is 90 miles away) and would get to 1000 and would keep going...1001, 1002... (no telling how far he would have gotten if we hadn't stopped him).
We wish you and your loved ones a Blessed by God, Love Filled, Safe Christmas, one that doesn't race by with all the fake stuff of what this is not about. But one filled with joy as you connect with those you love, as we all remember the One we are living for and His Unconditional Love He gave for this World.
Ken, Teresa, Josh and Jesse
We love you! Sing along with'll be surprised....
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