
April 25, 2008, 27 Years

27 Years

1 Corinthians 12:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

And the beginning of verse 8, Love never fails.

If we break down each part of this scripture and are truthful, we will admit we fall short in all these at various times in our lives. We might take inventory of our lives and say, 'well that one, yeah more than the others' and 'that one, well, not sure', and 'that one, that one, keep no record of wrongs?!!' What do we do with 'that one?' When our human nature is missing the mark we not only keep records of our own wrong doing, to justify it we tend to unfairly divert attention to other's wrongs, keeping record in judgment as if to get back or punish. After all, 'I'm hurt and feeling really taken advantaged of' or 'he or she abused me or neglected me', so hmm....

Again, please remember at any time, I am speaking and sharing about myself and being truthful about my shortcomings (we are members of the same body of Christ) in order that someone may feel free to be set free. And anytime if someone wishes to talk with me, I will share my heart, my pain, my hurts and my journey, this walk of going into the fire. He is gracious and loving and desires each of us to be whole and to be completely set free. In this healing we are able to love ourselves and love our neighbor as ourselves. And the greatest commandment again, love Him with our whole heart, mind and soul.

He is....the answer is, He who is love never fails. He first loved us.

Ken and I are celebrating our 27 year anniversary today. After being rescued from death, love persevered and now a new beginning. I am remembering what He gave us to confirm the beginning 27 years ago (what a journal!)

To everyone who persevered with us through the despair of our separation, walked with us, supported us, prayed with us, cried with us, encouraged us, kept their hand in the door for us (and we didn't break your fingers) and reminded us that we were never spiritually separated, we love you and thank you. What great love you have expressed to help us make it through one of the worse times to this new beginning.

Video & Song
'I Will Carry You' Michael W Smith

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