
December 8, 2013 One Gift Is All That Is Needed

Too much time has passed, too much is happening all the time since my last post which was one of many ongoing beginnings. In this time of rest I have come to believe that I don't need to be 'doing' something all the time in order to be valued. Distractions of 'doing' and the frenzied constant motion of coming and going are fading away. After more than a year of rest, which is inside has changed what is on the outside. I know that it is not what surrounds me that leads me, but rather Who is 'within' leading me.

Love cannot be substituted with bought gifts, if we search our hearts and see that it is difficult to live and give Love, the gifts are the substitute. The number of gifts or how expensive is not Love. Glistening trees and monogrammed stockings cannot substitute JOY in our homes. What could happen if we fully gave our attention and time as our gift to those in our lives? Because YOU ARE THE GIFT, not something in a box with a ribbon under a tree. Even The Grinch was eventually able to see, "'How could it be so? It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes or bags!' And he puzzled three hours, `till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! 'Maybe Christmas,' he thought, 'doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!'"

If you aren't already aware, all commercials, catalogs, billboards, brochures and advertisements are perfectly planned conference room copywriting and marketing psychology to lure the viewer through their senses. Bombardment of possibly more than half of television program time is filled with business schemes to make the viewer think they will love more, be loved more, look better, be better, feel better, want more or give more, by buying more of 'unneeded stuff' that will never let us know how much we are Loved.

Even planning dinner feasts with family can be depressing for those fighting, those lonely, those forgotten, those family members, parents, siblings, children who desperately need to know they are Unconditionally Loved.

It begins and ends with this, all that ever matters is to Receive Love and Give Love. Our greatest calling and assignment is to make a difference somewhere in the world. Start with family, the hardest life assignment anyone could have. Right in the middle of all our turmoil, through Loving Truth, find rest in each other, bring comfort 'in the heart' to each other, look at each other and be with each other. Be the one who delivers beautiful healing words..."you are perfectly adored and totally honored as His precious child, even when you forget or ignore that this is true".

I want to give you this gift; let us be a beacon of His Light that flies through all darkness and pain. Be free, search for the path to forgive one another, Love one another as He Loves us, THIS IS THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL. It is the only gift that keeps giving. It isn't found in a box or under a tree. It is THE GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT which only flow down from THE FATHER OF LIGHTS, THE ONE WHO LOVED US FIRST.