How can we survive while face to face with each other with so much hatred, resentment, envy and cut-throat competition? Think of the healing that God has waiting for us when we can Love unconditionally without expectation...God knows the plans of our hearts. But by His invitation we are able to search and ask for His Light to illuminate what is hidden, what is dark within our hearts, bringing it all into His Light, what has been carefully concealed and covered up in fear. We must let go to be free and experience Love eradicating all fear.
I would think that Henri's daily devotional must have inspired this....although physical touch is healing, we can touch with hands and hearts from within that are not always visible as an outward action.
The Healing Touch
Touch, yes, touch, speaks the wordless words of love. We receive so much touch when we are babies and so little when we are adults. Still, in friendship touch often gives more life than words. A friend's hand stroking our back, a friend's arms resting on our shoulder, a friend's fingers wiping our tears away, a friend's lips kissing our forehead --- these are true consolation. These moments of touch are truly sacred. They restore, they reconcile, they reassure, they forgive, they heal. Everyone who touched Jesus and everyone whom Jesus touched were healed. God's love and power went out from him (see Luke 6:19). When a friend touches us with free, nonpossessive love, it is God's incarnate love that touches us and God's power that heals us.- Henri J. M. Nouwen
There have been many coaches in my life.. It has been their Love that is the example of God's Love.
This poem is one of many many inspiring words that I called my golden keys. They open the door to my heart to receive without fear and heal without obstruction.
This is my visual interpretation of these words. Fall where Jesus reminded us that He the depth of our Hearts. Stay Connected.

"The hole in my heart,
once carefully concealed,
has burst open,
and I have fallen in.
The fall leaves me breathless
and frozen in fear,
not the fear of hitting ground,
but that the fall will never end.
Hands reaching out to help me
I have pushed away.
Don't rescue me.
I need this.
They say, in dreams of falling,
that if you hit the ground you're dead.
I've been dead.
I must hit the ground to live."
by Jim Spivey
Jim, Thank You!!