The purpose of my heart from the beginning has been to search deeply the Heart of God and not be caught up in distractions...but I guess I had to know that somewhere along the way I would be distracted...and I do mean distracted. But in the distraction came surrender to the unfolding process of this Call.
And the most beautiful part of it all, the redemption process of finding who I am, now allows me to encourage others in their struggles. In our tests we are being reminded and when ready 'see' that we don't need to conform, but need to surrender and die to any principles that cater to illusions of the world, we experience Full Freedom.
God quickly reminded me 'You belong to no one but Me' and in this, all His plans for me are perfect and are to set me completely free from being enslaved, engulfed and engaged by the needs of this World.
Regardless of circumstances, great and small, nurturing and torturing, fulfilling and draining....we are always on this journey towards The Goal and if not careful about the disguising distractions that come our way in a form to entice our ego and greedy human nature...if our vision is not fixed on our purpose to follow Jesus to the Father...we will be distracted by what is 'seen' with our physical eyes and miss the constant unfolding Beauty of Faith within the 'unseen'.
Hold steadfast in your walk as trials come your way. This is not our world as it is today. We are being transformed. The metamorphosis process of the butterfly is revelation of our life process. From the pushing fully Living.
And an added note...I don't know if a butterfly screams as it emerges from its chrysalis/tomb :-)...but I do know that labor in birth we scream as Life kicks out and emerges from the womb.