In John 20 Jesus said 'If you forgive anyone his(her) sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." Deep within the 'not forgive' or 'withholding' is the blocking of the experience of the one being forgiven. But not only when we forgive are we forgiven, if we withhold forgiveness it is withheld. This is the supernatural healing process. We are unable to hear this with our minds. Again, the experience is 'within' our hearts. Jesus is clearly saying it is within us to forgive, which is Love. And as I looked through the online concordance, I was able to see 'forgiven' all in one collection. Jesus when healing others of their sin continually said, 'Your sins are forgiven' and 'invited' each one to 'go and sin no more'. It blows my mind what I am experiencing because it was not made for the mind. Jesus said in Mark 'Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up, take your mat and walk'?'
Speaking to the heart overcomes the mind, because Love is not experienced in the mind. When speaking to the mind it is not the experience of the heart. In Ephesians 3:20 it says, 'Now to Him Who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us', and this version in modern language. God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us." The Message. God is more than able, this encompasses everything beyond our ability to understand with the mind. It is because God is Love and His Unconditional Love heals. This Living connection through our spirit has no distance and no time. God is inviting each and everyone of us to forgive ourselves and to forgive others, because He has already forgiven you and them. This includes enemies, those who persecute us, those who hurt us.
As we Love/Forgive ourselves we Love/Forgive others. When we freely give Unconditional Love, we freely receive Unconditional Love. We are no longer bound by the darkness from this world as it 'tries' to overtake us. We know this through Love and experience Heaven on Earth/The Kingdom of God.
There is nothing greater. God is Love. Within our hearts is a cry to be forgiven, whether for real injustices or perceived. A broken heart is exposed and vulnerable and ready to receive. Don't be afraid, the journey within our hearts is beautiful. Forgiveness may begin with trembling words journeying into a vulnerable heart.
Listen to this Life Giving Gift...Love hung on the Cross. Experience the words of Jesus through this broken, mended conduit saying to you (through ears and eyes and a ready heart). Listen, receive and experience God's Amazing Unconditional Love. If we look within our own hearts and in the hearts of everyone, His Spirit is found in us all....
He is always speaking to our hearts..... 'I Love You, I Forgive You, Go and don't be disconnected from My Love anymore, Go and don't be disconnected from each other's Love anymore'

His Heart My Heart Your Heart
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