There are things we can do to try and fake Love but these will be revealed.
One thing I am certain. words are not needed to 'prove' Love. It isn't by what we do or don't do. If something is required or demanded or expected, what is required or demanded or expected does not prove Love.
Love is from within, not without, spiritual, and eternal.
With unconditional Love we see in a mirror clearly, we have no fear to see or be seen face to face abiding in Love.
2 Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. 4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
June 12, 2009 Freely Express, Freely Soar, Freely Live
What is this thing that eats at me? Sometimes it is relentless and can make my heart sick (as well as the body) if it is not freed up. It is the resistance of expression and with resistance life becomes dormant.
When I am able to let go and and 'let my heart soar instead being sore' my heart is light as a feather, like a young carefree child. Loving freely and unconditionally and receiving all the love that will be given to me.
'There is a form of laughter that springs from the heart, heard every day in the merry voice of childhood, the expression of a laughter --loving spirit that defies analysis by the philosopher, which has nothing of rigid or mechanical in it, and totally without social significance. Bubbling spontaneously from the heart of child or man.' William Osler
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
This is why I love being with children. As adults we must continually die to ourselves to have this full expression of a child and full exposure of our feelings. We must relearn to give from a freed up heart and receive from a freed up heart. This is Life freely expressed. A child has the answer to the kingdom of heaven.
I am going to make this my expression, I really like this....
And before closing... Happy Birthday Jim!!!
When I am able to let go and and 'let my heart soar instead being sore' my heart is light as a feather, like a young carefree child. Loving freely and unconditionally and receiving all the love that will be given to me.
'There is a form of laughter that springs from the heart, heard every day in the merry voice of childhood, the expression of a laughter --loving spirit that defies analysis by the philosopher, which has nothing of rigid or mechanical in it, and totally without social significance. Bubbling spontaneously from the heart of child or man.' William Osler
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
This is why I love being with children. As adults we must continually die to ourselves to have this full expression of a child and full exposure of our feelings. We must relearn to give from a freed up heart and receive from a freed up heart. This is Life freely expressed. A child has the answer to the kingdom of heaven.
I am going to make this my expression, I really like this....
And before closing... Happy Birthday Jim!!!
June 10, 2009 Let it reign.
I always amazes me how songs from worship stay in my head. My spirit sings them when I'm sleeping, when I wake up and amazing that I don't even notice for awhile. The song, usually a single song. It must be that is what I need for that time.
The song this time is 'Let the peace of God Reign' by Hillsong. Here it is on youtube with beautiful photos that makes it even more enriched. So let the peace of God reign. I would like to say 'rain' with these temperatures soaring over 100 degrees. Lord give us peace that helps us see.
Well, here it it.
The song this time is 'Let the peace of God Reign' by Hillsong. Here it is on youtube with beautiful photos that makes it even more enriched. So let the peace of God reign. I would like to say 'rain' with these temperatures soaring over 100 degrees. Lord give us peace that helps us see.
Well, here it it.
July 6, 2009 Set Free
Haven't we all endured and overcome tragedies in our lives? Could it be that in our tragedies that we are all the same? We find our purpose has not been to observe these in others with pious judgement (as a way to deny it) or sympathy (as a way to try and feel it) but empathy (as a living example).
In this not so abundant life of denial to protect ourselves or others, it is inevitable that the next generation must suffer from the current hiding and pretending.
Do we really seek to be set free? To find that place where our hearts can truly 'soar'. When we are faced with the very thing we fear because it 'did' come upon us. We either accept it, or run from it; stuff it or deny it, be truthful with our feelings or lie about it. How is it that we want to continue in, or carry within us the very thing that is keeping us enslaved?
Then to add to the pain in our lives, we are such good pretenders. Faking our feelings, faking our smiles, faking in order to protect our 'good reputation'. After all what would happen if someone ever found out the 'truth'? Instead of it setting us free, what if it started a family war or a complete all out war that will hurt or shame a lot of people?
One thing I am sure of and have seen it for years, when a topic of discussion gets too close to the core of our heart's pain and hiding, the ways of avoiding truth are varied. Some rage, some abuse, some are violent, some abuse themselves, some stay silent, some talk too much, some smile all the time, some frown all the time, some control, some don't care, some get depressed, some get sick, some stay busy, some become paralyzed, some are so wanting to be set free regardless of how fearful exposure in the Light is, they are ready and scream at least from the inside if not the outside, 'please help me!', I'll do whatever it takes!, Set me free!'
Children and adults are abused by beating, neglect, abandonment, sexual abuse, teasing, forcing them to do things dehumanizing and degrading. Some which may not be so obvious and actually encouraged in our society, like putting unreachable expectations on a child, expecting them to act like a 'little adults', expecting them to take on the responsibilities of an adult, expecting them to be a star. Forcing them to take part in our abusive religious addictions, punishing or abusing children in the name of Jesus. These can be either overt demands or covert neediness, producing the same result - fear.
Whoever reads this, whether family or friends, know that what I am writing is totally out of Love for you and desiring for all of us to be set free. We can do this together. I am no longer afraid, please don't be afraid of the Truth.
The silence and pretending has hurt everyone and each generation is affected. Pain is diminished in forgiveness, to endure is our call in life. Jim Spivey once said to me, 'Teresa it didn't happen to you, it happened for you' And in that moment I realized, what if I could use all this for good? What is meant for evil, God means for good. We are constantly fighting battles which seem to be futile. But are they really? What if in the knowing and acceptance of the fact that there is evil in this life we conquer our biggest fear? Accepting what has happened to us is part of this evil which cannot be avoided in this 'world'. The battles are not of the flesh. How can we fight what is not physical? It is by the Holy Spirit that we overcome the battles in the spiritual realm. But why then do the spiritual battles manifest in the physical over and over again? We have absolutely no control over what is manifested in the physical realm. Once we are aware of our need to be set free, we ask God and believe. He is in control and will answer our need. What if we can experience the freedom in knowing the war is not ours to fight? What if we could see that in the revealing of Truth we will find absolute peace that surpasses all understanding? What if we were set free because we weren't afraid of the Truth or Unconditional Love? Inner turmoil from the inner silence and hiding would be no more. The violence and raging, sexual abuse, promiscuousness, drugs, alcohol, suicide attempts, stealing, abortions/murder, to name a few, are now our path to total freedom. I once told my sons Josh and Jesse to 'pray for everything they can think of for your family, because we have seen it all and have done it all' and are still in it all until it is released. When we see how much God love us all no matter what we've done, no matter who has done it, we are set free, the abuser, and victim both.
Grace is sufficient, Love unconditionally and we overcome bondage. Then our hearts are really not 'sore' because we are truly set free.
And what prompted all this? Once again, I am so thankful that the Lord uses Jim to say what needs to be said to help prompt inner searching for healing. The text said, 'Here's a beautiful invitation: let your heart soar vs letting it be sore'. This is the way, opening up and pouring out my heart so it can 'soar' without the weight of the bondage which as an adult I have the choice to hold onto it or let it go.
In this not so abundant life of denial to protect ourselves or others, it is inevitable that the next generation must suffer from the current hiding and pretending.
Do we really seek to be set free? To find that place where our hearts can truly 'soar'. When we are faced with the very thing we fear because it 'did' come upon us. We either accept it, or run from it; stuff it or deny it, be truthful with our feelings or lie about it. How is it that we want to continue in, or carry within us the very thing that is keeping us enslaved?
Then to add to the pain in our lives, we are such good pretenders. Faking our feelings, faking our smiles, faking in order to protect our 'good reputation'. After all what would happen if someone ever found out the 'truth'? Instead of it setting us free, what if it started a family war or a complete all out war that will hurt or shame a lot of people?
One thing I am sure of and have seen it for years, when a topic of discussion gets too close to the core of our heart's pain and hiding, the ways of avoiding truth are varied. Some rage, some abuse, some are violent, some abuse themselves, some stay silent, some talk too much, some smile all the time, some frown all the time, some control, some don't care, some get depressed, some get sick, some stay busy, some become paralyzed, some are so wanting to be set free regardless of how fearful exposure in the Light is, they are ready and scream at least from the inside if not the outside, 'please help me!', I'll do whatever it takes!, Set me free!'
Children and adults are abused by beating, neglect, abandonment, sexual abuse, teasing, forcing them to do things dehumanizing and degrading. Some which may not be so obvious and actually encouraged in our society, like putting unreachable expectations on a child, expecting them to act like a 'little adults', expecting them to take on the responsibilities of an adult, expecting them to be a star. Forcing them to take part in our abusive religious addictions, punishing or abusing children in the name of Jesus. These can be either overt demands or covert neediness, producing the same result - fear.
Whoever reads this, whether family or friends, know that what I am writing is totally out of Love for you and desiring for all of us to be set free. We can do this together. I am no longer afraid, please don't be afraid of the Truth.
The silence and pretending has hurt everyone and each generation is affected. Pain is diminished in forgiveness, to endure is our call in life. Jim Spivey once said to me, 'Teresa it didn't happen to you, it happened for you' And in that moment I realized, what if I could use all this for good? What is meant for evil, God means for good. We are constantly fighting battles which seem to be futile. But are they really? What if in the knowing and acceptance of the fact that there is evil in this life we conquer our biggest fear? Accepting what has happened to us is part of this evil which cannot be avoided in this 'world'. The battles are not of the flesh. How can we fight what is not physical? It is by the Holy Spirit that we overcome the battles in the spiritual realm. But why then do the spiritual battles manifest in the physical over and over again? We have absolutely no control over what is manifested in the physical realm. Once we are aware of our need to be set free, we ask God and believe. He is in control and will answer our need. What if we can experience the freedom in knowing the war is not ours to fight? What if we could see that in the revealing of Truth we will find absolute peace that surpasses all understanding? What if we were set free because we weren't afraid of the Truth or Unconditional Love? Inner turmoil from the inner silence and hiding would be no more. The violence and raging, sexual abuse, promiscuousness, drugs, alcohol, suicide attempts, stealing, abortions/murder, to name a few, are now our path to total freedom. I once told my sons Josh and Jesse to 'pray for everything they can think of for your family, because we have seen it all and have done it all' and are still in it all until it is released. When we see how much God love us all no matter what we've done, no matter who has done it, we are set free, the abuser, and victim both.
Grace is sufficient, Love unconditionally and we overcome bondage. Then our hearts are really not 'sore' because we are truly set free.
And what prompted all this? Once again, I am so thankful that the Lord uses Jim to say what needs to be said to help prompt inner searching for healing. The text said, 'Here's a beautiful invitation: let your heart soar vs letting it be sore'. This is the way, opening up and pouring out my heart so it can 'soar' without the weight of the bondage which as an adult I have the choice to hold onto it or let it go.
I would love to share with anyone who desires to find their way to total freedom, within our hearts together. The Truth is available to anyone who desires It and It does set us free.
July 4, 2009 Freedom
I'm so thankful to God for our freedoms
and pray that we may keep them;
and that we never neglect or abuse them;
and that we see the difference between who we think we are;
and who we have been allowed to be.
So thankful to God for our freedoms!
and pray that we may keep them;
and that we never neglect or abuse them;
and that we see the difference between who we think we are;
and who we have been allowed to be.
So thankful to God for our freedoms!
July 3, 2009 The Way Out of Egypt
My first step is to lay down the bricks that pay for the meat and garlic and have no desire to be a slave to idols. And once hitched to my camel, even though I see sand all the way to the horizon and no life in sight, I know by the measure of faith given to me, if I follow the Son, the Promise Land will be revealed and it's not of this world.
Here's my great escape by following Jesus' Light within me to show me the way 'out' because the sand inmy eyes is blinding and that heat is unbearable, the only way through the desert is to let go of the need for that mammon.
How many times has He said, 'take nothing with you, I will supply'? Now that's freedom!!
And to add to this constant temptation of the world, this popped up on my lap top as soon as I typed the word 'freedom' - The Way to Financial Freedom. Wow is this a red flag to remind me this is not the way 'out'! I will glady pass on this one and say 'ha, devil, back in your face, you've tried that one on me already!'.
....This is my story
This is my song....
Painting Pictures of Egypt.
July 2, 2009 The Wonder of It All
Time sure dissappears. And even though I haven't posted for a few days there are constant thoughts flowing through my heart on what to write.
There is a death or emptying out of myself that allows a real connection and compassion for those in my life. It doesn't matter, the 'superficial' conversations. This language has nothing to do with the heart. The body language has nothing to do with the heart. These actions often show fear and pain and resistance. Under the actions, within every beautiful life there is a soul, the heart of their existence, the Living Breathing Force of God. The wonder of it all.
It is in this deep within place that there is no more need for show, no need for extravagance (although for our needs being met, I am truly thankful), no need to flaunt, no need to one-up, there really isn't any need to primp (although as I am becoming aware of my aging face and body, a little primping is okay).
In all this I am thankful to God for His magnificence, His creation all around me. To be honest it would be okay to live in Eden again, totally liberated. Even that experience is from within. To be free like a child, no worries in the world. Oh how nice it would be if we could stay carefree and live as Love examples through this life. Oh, but it seems we can. It can't happen on the outside. The experience is connecting with Him from within and within others.
There is no more to say. Except Love one another as you love yourselves.
There is a death or emptying out of myself that allows a real connection and compassion for those in my life. It doesn't matter, the 'superficial' conversations. This language has nothing to do with the heart. The body language has nothing to do with the heart. These actions often show fear and pain and resistance. Under the actions, within every beautiful life there is a soul, the heart of their existence, the Living Breathing Force of God. The wonder of it all.
It is in this deep within place that there is no more need for show, no need for extravagance (although for our needs being met, I am truly thankful), no need to flaunt, no need to one-up, there really isn't any need to primp (although as I am becoming aware of my aging face and body, a little primping is okay).
In all this I am thankful to God for His magnificence, His creation all around me. To be honest it would be okay to live in Eden again, totally liberated. Even that experience is from within. To be free like a child, no worries in the world. Oh how nice it would be if we could stay carefree and live as Love examples through this life. Oh, but it seems we can. It can't happen on the outside. The experience is connecting with Him from within and within others.
There is no more to say. Except Love one another as you love yourselves.
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